Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing residents are believed to be thriftier than those living in other big cities in China, according to a survey report released by Horizon Research.
Researchers at SAMHSA and RTI International in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, prepared the report using data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
Research methods are mainly oral report, interview, survey, cognitive componential analysis, structural equation modeling.
In this paper, the inadequacies of the new rural development model of economic responsibility audit of non-depth research, no-depth survey report verification are not feasible, to be further studied.
I went over the sales figures in the market research report. If you take that report and compare it with our survey of consumer buying habits. there 'sonly one conclusion.
This paper is a part of the report of our investigation group. It gives a brief survey on the manufacture and research of some resin composites which we had seen in Japan.
This paper is a part of the report of our investigation group. It gives a brief survey on the manufacture and research of some resin composites which we had seen in Japan.