Median survival reflects one time point along the survival curve and does not measure the overall survival benefit.
OBJECTIVE:The expression of CD133 and AFP in hepatocellular carcinoma and their effect on the survival curve after surgery.
The authors drew up the life table of the David's Deer population and its growth curve, mortality curve and survival curve in Dafeng nature reserve area.
The survival curve between the groups with and without postoperative radiotherapy both in negative margin group and positive margin group were also compared.
The community feature, size-class structure, the regulation of changing density were analyzed and the survival curve, the death curve and the life table were worked out.
The diameter structure, importance value, distribution pattern and survival curve of broad-leaved Korean pine of over-logged forest in Jingouling forest Farm was analysed.
The population dynamic of Tsuga tchekiangensis in Wuyishan Nature Reserve was studied and its age structure, the life table, survival curve, mortality rate and killing power curve were analyzed.
It can efficiently improve survival ability of the fighter to delivery bombs in maneuvering motion and to egress in curve.
In brain-cancer research, for example, while the numbers for average survival time haven't changed much, there's an increasingly long tail on the curve, indicating a few patients are living for years.
In brain-cancer research, for example, while the numbers for average survival time haven't changed much, there's an increasingly long tail on the curve, indicating a few patients are living for years.