While we are doing the rituals for the dead, we should take care that we're not affecting the survival of future generations.
The Book of the Dead was an illustrated guide to this landscape, as well as a survival kit of spells to repel dangers and get the gods on your side.
The Survival mode update adds an all new game play mode where you must take on a herd of walkers, grunts and legends across three different levels set within The Walking Dead universe.
Dead baby eagle mother eagle will not be too sad for them, because the winner won't be eliminated, the loser will be eliminated, it is the survival of the eagle rule.
Survival - The consciousness of being deemed dead, is next to the presumable unpleasantness of being so in reality.
The level of serum corticosteroid was higher in dead group and decreased to normal scale gradually in survival group ( P< 0 01).
死亡组患者血皮质醇浓度一直处于较高水平,而存活组呈进行性下降至生理范围(P<0 .0 1)。
The level of serum glucocorticosteroid was higher in dead group and decreased step by step in survival group( P< 0 01).
循环血皮质醇浓度显示死亡组患者一直处于较高水平 ,而存活组呈进行性下降 (P< 0 0 1)。
In early 1980s, some critics made the claim of "ink painting is in dead end" which triggered a nationwide discussion on the survival and death of ink painting.
In early 1980s, some critics made the claim of "ink painting is in dead end" which triggered a nationwide discussion on the survival and death of ink painting.