"the survival of the fittest," a slogan that virtually preempted all debate.
With the changes in the world's climate, dinosaurs died, but many smaller animals lived on. It was the survival of the fittest.
Survival of the fittest requires it.
I didn't have the "Survival of the fittest attitude".
This topic generally reminds us of a saying: "survival of the fittest".
So very instinctive behavior — survival of the fittest — emerged, ” Torgler says.
所以非常本能的行为——‘适者生存’(survival of the fittest )——才会发生,”托尔格勒说。
As a student of biology, Kao knew that "the survival of the fittest" was ordained by nature.
Our philosophy is: the survival of the fittest – only suitable for the design and marketing strategy.
我们的理念是:适者生存 –只做适合的设计及营销策略。
The natural selection and the survival of the fittest are external causes of the evolution in biology.
Mankind in multiplying survival of the fittest allows a woman to realize that she needs pretty and charm.
If evolution is survival of the fittest, nature red in tooth and claw, how could animals evolve moral feelings?
It was a grim survival of the fittest environment, I wrote about how in this environment to live, live better.
Acquiring wealth is perhaps the goal of many, because life is considered to be about the survival of the fittest.
If evolution is survival of the fittest, why should a young raven share a winter's worth of food with its unrelated rivals?
Moving from survival of the fittest to rational collaboration and sharing, life on the earth will never be the same again.
In this situation it truly was survival of the fittest, with healthy young males being the most likely to live to tell the tale.
It is the survival of the fittest. Self-interest prompts every employer to keep the best - those who can carry a message to Garcia.
This city fell apart. It's crazy out here. Every man for himself. Survival of the fittest. You gotta take what you need in this world.
Herbert Spencer, in the decade after Darwin, summarised natural selection as "survival of the fittest" - a slogan -darwin only later adopted.
Years ago, people tended to see evolution as a competition for survival of the fittest. But now there is more emphasis on the gentler virtues.
These sons are in turn strong and outdo other weaker male offspring to reproduce - thus ensuring survival of the fittest and of the family line.
To take appropriate approach: We believe that the reason the survival of the fittest, those who can resonate for us the means to reach the end.
“Survival of the fittest” is a conversational way to describenatural selection, but a more technical description speaks ofdifferential rates of survival and reproduction.
“Survival of the fittest” is a conversational way to describenatural selection, but a more technical description speaks ofdifferential rates of survival and reproduction.