Fat has twice the calories per unit weight than protein or carbohydrate sugar has, as a consequence, has the greatest survival value.
As the originator of the theory of evolution, Darwin believed that the universal recognition of facial expressions would have survival value.
Ethology is concerned with the study of adaptive, or survival value of behavior and its evolutionary history.
The conclusion is a summary about Simmel's modernity theory. It's mainly about its contemporary survival value.
There is another, again poignant, possible explanation for the disappearance of the big-brained people. Maybe all that thoughtfulness was of no particular survival value in 10, 000 B.C.
The death narrative in Zhang Cheng-zhi s works in this period is not a simple carrier to complain misery, but is the method of developing a new way of manifesting survival sense and survival value.
If it has any value at all, it is only to meet survival needs or as a strategic soapbox to evangelize non-believers.
Also known as the Diamond-Water paradox, the paradox of value is the contradiction that while water is more useful, in terms of survival, than diamonds, diamonds get a higher market price.
Why do we see, use and understand color? There is not any value to color associated with our survival or existence. Its a gift.
To space environment atmosphere's building, can enhance people's life boundary, the civilized level and the quality of life, and manifests the survival the value.
The network information safety is a network of survival foundation, only security to obtain the safeguard, network can give full play to its own value.
Therefore, to a greater extent the production of the consumer society is the production of sign value as well as the production of basic survival needs.
In the contemporary context Angle, Emerson's view on nature has an important lesson to people in survival morass in both material environment and spirit value.
Through understanding his philosophy we may certainly set up a new survival idea and a living value standard.
The diameter structure, importance value, distribution pattern and survival curve of broad-leaved Korean pine of over-logged forest in Jingouling forest Farm was analysed.
Vast and various memes compete for survival in their living environment, and only those which have higher value in fidelity, fecundity and longevity have the chance to win out.
Conclusion: These results confirm the high prognostic value of KRAS mutations on response to cetuximab and survival in metastatic CRC patients treated with cetuximab.
"The spiritual Victory," a means of spiritual transcendence deployed in the dilemma of survival, has its special value in cultural ideology and conditions of individual survival.
This approach offers the value of fatigue limit with survival rate index, hence it may be used as a new criterion to estimate the rail quality.
To investigate the factors affecting the survival rate of laryngeal carcinoma and the value of pathological positive margin among the factors.
Fitzgerald's purpose is to show the postwar social life and mental outlook of the Americans in the 1920s and try to arouse people's introspection and exploration for the value of survival.
The demand for new knowledge and skills will be constant, no longer a value added element, but the essential factor in determining organizational survival.
The demand for new knowledge and skills be constant, no longer a value added element, but the essential factor in determining organizational survival.
The mine represents a daily fight for survival in a country where mineral wealth has more value than human life.
The mine represents a daily fight for survival in a country where mineral wealth has more value than human life.