In many parts of the country a family of five might struggle to survive on as little as $80 a month.
The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes should be cut as schools struggle to survive on smaller budgets.
The tigers cannot survive on eating magicians alone.
China's 750m rural citizens survive on a total average income of Rmb4761.
To survive on this ascetic diet, Pinus longaeva invests very little energy in growth.
为了在这样恶劣的条件下存活下来,科恩松(Pinus longaeva )只消耗很少的能量用于生长。
While waiting for help, they must learn how to survive on the island and with each other.
It allows for developers to create applications that survive on steady streams of incomes.
If we can get these human cells to survive on ice, we should expect organs to do the same.
Around Wonsan city, more than 70% of residents survive on a corn porridge mixed with grass.
All alone, and with very few tools, he managed to survive on the island for more than 27years.
Discovering that the palace is a cruel and harsh place, Zhen learns how to survive on her own.
We have only one earth and the earth we live to the conditions, we could only survive on Earth.
While the new elite lives sumptuously, two-thirds of the 17m Angolans survive on less than $2 a day.
We have lost our close relatives; however the living people must survive on and also should live better.
"We are surviving on God's mercy," Wanama says when I ask how so many people manage to survive on so little land.
That life would have to survive on comparatively little oxygen and water, and would have to be very tolerant of methane。
The Masai people survive on fresh blood drawn from the neck veins of livestock such as cows and goats. Liquid protein.
The kid needed that big city swagger to survive on mean streets but doesn't just lose it if he moves to a mild-mannered town.
Her three siblings survive on a bowl of maize-meal porridge a day, with no milk or sugar; no one in the family has ever eaten meat.
But this is America. If you can find a way to survive on less than 40 cents a day just like they do in China and elsewhere, good luck.
If activity is reduced, healthy people can survive on half their usual food intake for an extended period and without any food for many days.
A wide shot might best portray one desert, while a close-up of one plant struggling to survive on the side of a dune might best represent another.
The unusual bacterium was found deep within a Greenland ice sheet and scientists believe it holds clues to how life might survive on other planets.
Strange bacteria living deep in a California lake can survive on arsenic and can even grow by incorporating the element into its DNA and cell membranes.
'my mom strongly rejected my idea to go for this company, as she didn't think the 1,000 yuan salary was enough for me to survive on in Beijing,' he said.
'my mom strongly rejected my idea to go for this company, as she didn't think the 1, 000 yuan salary was enough for me to survive on in Beijing,' he said.
She is in excruciating pain. Her three siblings survive on a bowl of maize-meal porridge a day, with no milk or sugar; no one in the family has ever eaten meat.
She is in excruciating pain. Her three siblings survive on a bowl of maize-meal porridge a day, with no milk or sugar; no one in the family has ever eaten meat.