Brilliant. Term applied to wines, particularly white wines, which are free of any visible suspended matter and have a sparkling clarity.
Brilliant.. Term applied to wines, particularly white wines, which are free of any visible suspended matter and have a sparkling clarity.
Asian carp—including thecommon, black and bighead variety—were brought to the U.S. in the 1970sas live vacuum cleaners meant to remove algae and suspended matter fromponds.
Total suspended particulates include fine particulate matter called PM2.5 ― particles with diameters of no more than 2.5 micrometers.
This is a water treatment process by which finely divided suspended and colloidal matter in water is made to join together and form flocs.
The result shows that the existent of the trace water in jet fuel is one of the important influence factors in forming suspended matter in jet fuel.
The effect of suspended particular matter on the growth rate of phytoplankton in various depths was discussed.
The adsorption sedimentation of radionuclide on suspended matter is an important mechanism affecting the radionuclide migration in the bay.
Brilliant. Term applied to wines, particularly white wines, which are free of any visible suspended matter and have a sparkling clarity.
In addition to these herbs, Zoysia and Vetiveria zizaniodes have soil purification properties as they can absorb the metals in the soil and get rid of suspended matter as well.
另外, 结缕草、香根草有吸收土壤中重金属或去除塘泥中悬浮固形物、净化土壤的功能。
Barely visible or cloudy diffused matter, such as mist, fumes, or smoke, suspended in the air.
One possibility is somehow to make these small particles join together to become larger ones, which can then be treated as suspended matter.
Mercury in suspended matter is dominated by mercury bound to humus, because the strong combining ability of humus, this can be reference for mercury pollution harness.
Through mathematic analysis, the author of this paper comes to a conclusion that negative exponential equation can not be used to elucidate the regularity of the settling of suspended matter.
SZ 36-1 oilfield; injected water; suspended matter; composition analysis; control measure.
The composition and characteristic of suspended matter from industrial wastewater of placer gold and the experimental results of natural settling were reported.
The concentration of suspended matter is an important parameter in water quality, as well as one of the primary products in Remote Sensing.
This study provides the basis for further studies on the origin and mechanism of suspended matter.
It can remove soluble and colloidal biodegraded organic matter and suspended solid adsorbed by activated sludge from wastewater.
The main pollutant of this kind of sewage is oils, polluter of the suspended substance and dissolving organic matter.
Suspended matter of water samples of large quantity taken from the Huanghai sea and East China sea were studied.
The content of suspended matter around the dredger and the dis "-charge of the overflow from reclamation give information about the spill rate."
T he antifoaming agent can prevent the surface foaming in the boiler water, and inhibit the highly suspended matter from having carry-over effect.
In wastewater treatment, flotation is used principally to remove suspended matter and to concentrate biosolids.
The Dianchi basin environment management project aims at controlling or reducing the load of phosphorous into lake and the pollution load of COD, BOD, suspended matter and Nitrogen.
The mechanism and mathematical model of membrane fouling, which included protein fouling, suspended solid fouling, colloid fouling, organic matter fouling and biological fouling, were illustrated.
Ultrafiltration water purification technology, the effective removal of tap water in sediment, rust, suspended matter, colloid, bacteria, high molecular.
Note: the water for coolant shall be demineralized water without suspended matter, impure matter, unsolvable matter and corrosiveness matter.
Note: the water for coolant shall be demineralized water without suspended matter, impure matter, unsolvable matter and corrosiveness matter.