We've talked recently about the importance of sustainable energy.
With production anticipated to increase by 25% between now and 2030, sustainable energy sourcing will become an increasingly major issue.
Work on designs for the new turbine blades and sites are well advanced at the University of Southampton's sustainable energy research group.
We need sustainable energy security that includes diversification of supplies and transit routes, " he said."
Sustainable Energy Ireland provides a list of approved training providers, all of whom provide recognised qualifications.
The pressing need for clean and sustainable energy is felt even in Lou Bei, a sleepy farming village at the foot of Pingtan's giant wind turbines.
Luke Blunden, a researcher at the Sustainable Energy research Group at the UK's University of Southampton, is optimistic about tidal power's prospects.
英国南安普顿大学的可再生能源研究小组的成员Luke Blunden对这种方式的潮汐发电的前途抱有相当乐观的态度。
Communication and cooperation between policy makers and the gas industry is highly recommended so as to reach common goals of a sustainable energy future.
Biodiesel is a typical sustainable energy source. Transesterification of natural oils by chemical catalysis is one of the most effective ways to synthesize biodiesel.
You could keep a few bananas and apples or a bag of nuts like almonds or walnuts for some healthy fats and vitamins that will provide your body with sustainable energy.
But technology being developed by Torben Mikkelsen, of Risoe DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy in Denmark, and his colleagues looks set to make the process easier.
In the policy aspect, the traditional concept has to be changed to taking new energy and renewable energy as sustainable energy sources of the country in the middle 21st century.
The sustainable response to global warming, then, is one that sees us get much more serious about investment into alternative-energy research and development.
As a result, recent FDI strategies have taken a more selective approach, to attract environmentally sustainable, energy efficient, and technologically advanced industries.
We lacked a tool to analyze these issues together and figure out a more sustainable overall energy consumption model.
Transfiguring into sustainable health is a good daily intention as one runs one's small and large fusion energy flow.
Green education graphics distributed throughout the library provide information on sustainable features such as the use of recycled materials and energy efficiency.
A series of pedagogical legible passive energy and water harvesting methods as well as a geothermal system provide a sustainable structure.
The building features sustainable design, incorporating natural energy and light sources.
Their imports from countries where manufacturing standards and energy supplies are even less socially and environmentally sustainable than in the USA just makes things worse.
In order to make use of such energy, a transformation from the process of energy production to a stable, sustainable and controllable process is needed.
Use of partially treated wastewater for irrigation of energy crops could be a sustainable option if site-specific recommendations are developed.
Natural ventilation is the key tactic of sustainable building design. Bring the natural wind into underground space of the cities could contribute a great in improving air quality and energy saving.
Thee Leaders recognized that sustainable development, universal energy access, and energy security are critical for shared prosperity of humanity and for the future of the planet.
Thee Leaders recognized that sustainable development, universal energy access, and energy security are critical for shared prosperity of humanity and for the future of the planet.