Its modular architecture allows modules to be swapped in and out depending on the processor and operating system.
I just swapped in titanium dioxide instead.
Modularity — the various components of the application can be swapped in and out as desired, making debugging much easier.
International discussions are also ongoing about creating "bail-in" bonds that could be swapped into core capital in a crisis.
High Numbers in the swapped column indicate that there are two many processes using too much memory that need to be swapped in and out.
For instance, the sample includes a Ruby implementation of the POPChecker component that could be swapped in to replace the Python implementation.
Any one of the SCA components can be swapped in or out, or hosted on a new binding or implementation, with little impact to the overall application.
This interchangeability means that multiple mazes can be kept ready for use and swapped in quickly without the whole build having to be reconstructed.
The price for the flexibility of a service-oriented architecture, where services can be swapped in or out rapidly, is a premium on organizing and controlling business activities.
The initiative will track and analyze fishing boat practices using satellite technology and, ideally, help ensure that fewer fake or mislabeled fish are swapped in along the way.
I swapped email addresses with the English girl I met on holiday so that we could keep in touch.
However, before they can be swapped out, every single process mapping that page must be found so that the page-table entry for the page in that process can be updated.
Flexibility in business processes is a result, because a service can be swapped with a more pertinent implementation without having any effect on the consumer of the business process.
Two charts were swapped by mistake, so the text refers in two places to the wrong charts.
In 1990 Mexico swapped unpayable bank debt for so-called Brady bonds, worth about 35% less.
One end of the boy's swapped DNA lodged itself in the same region that the Oxford team had identified in the West London family, right in the middle of the FOXP2 gene.
The pair swapped emails and photos for three months and hit it off so well that they arranged a date in London.
The 10 sleeper agents pleaded guilty Thursday to acting as unregistered agents for Russia and were then "swapped" for four Russian prisoners in a deal reminiscent of the Cold War.
If your JVM is swapped out of memory, GAE must spend additional time to start your entire application the next time a request comes in.
The fish that learned to prefer the rich feeder were then allowed to watch their fellow fish feeding in a separate test but, this time, the two feeders had been swapped.
Feeling vulnerable in my plimsolls, I swapped them for Wellington boots bought at one of the settlements along the way.
The young woman has swapped her happy life and extended family in Calcutta for an arranged marriage and a lonely apartment in New York.
Most prepackaged alternative grains cook in 20 minutes or less and can be swapped for rice or noodles in pilafs, salads, and soups.
Accessing a memory address that has been swapped is a lot slower than reading a resident (in physical memory) address because it must be loaded from the hard drive.
Some Banks, notably in Spain, have swapped debt for equity, putting off write-downs but potentially storing up trouble ahead.
In that video, I build some simple viewmodels and show a view that is dynamically swapped based on user selection, and use MEF to wire everything up.
In that video, I build some simple viewmodels and show a view that is dynamically swapped based on user selection, and use MEF to wire everything up.