She had rushed to the office from her son's school wearing sweatpants, a zippered sweatshirt, and white sneakers, with her hair jammed into a ponytail.
If you really don't like the cold, it's fine to go in the tub wearing running tights or sweatpants and a sweatshirt or towel wrapped around your upper body.
He wears gray sweatpants and a single-pocket white T-shirt.
On a related note, don't wear hoodies or any other type of sweatshirt or sweatpants.
They're the kind of recipes you make in a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a T-shirt.
So my path to satisfaction is blocked by Lonely Larry and Captain Sweatpants? Very well, they must be destroyed!
Sweatpants and a baseball cap are fine to wear to class, but professional office environments generally have dress codes.
No sweatpants or sneakers for beyonce when she's off the red carpet - the star favors sky-high heels and impeccable hair and makeup.
Wear comfortable, not cozy clothes. Your mind will associate relaxing with sweatpants or PJ's. Choose something you'd wear to school or a movie.
You might recognize this person as "the kid who always raises his hand," "the kid who answers every question," or "the kid who isn't wearing sweatpants."
Ms Batuman describes how Aeroflot lost her luggage, forcing her to deliver her paper at a conference on Tolstoy's estate wearing sweatpants and flip-flops.
If you can't find the energy to stop futzing around on Facebook and start writing your project proposal, consider changing out of those stained sweatpants.
Sitting in his apartment on Kadoorie Avenue in sweatpants and a button-down denim shirt, Mr. Soong says he tries to keep his personal views out of the site.
If you can't find the energy to stop futzing around on Facebook and start writing your project proposal, consider changing out of those stained sweatpants.
Wardrobe malfunctions was another common theme. Some hapless interviewees "showed up in sweatpants, " one "was wearing mismatched shoes, " and another "didn't realize his zipper was down. "
Wardrobe malfunctions was another common theme. Some hapless interviewees "showed up in sweatpants, " one "was wearing mismatched shoes, " and another "didn't realize his zipper was down. "