The pursuit of perfection, then is the pursuit of sweetness and light.
A light, fresh tobacco with a satisfying sweetness, this very flavorful mixture of lemon and Orange Virginias is rounded with special Black Ribbon and flavored with a delicate tropical dressing.
This wine has an aroma palate of honey and a light nutmeg taste combined with an ongoing fruit sweetness.
When American parents are in serious domestic trouble, they maintain a front of sweetness and light before their children.
Refreshing, clean, but very light, with a hint of sweetness to the watermelon and strawberry notes.
Whether either of these results cast light on the perpetual search for pain-free ways of cutting calorie-intake in the modern world of abundant sweetness is not yet clear.
Your earlier life of faith was narrow and intense, settled around a little sun-spot of experience that had as much of sense as of faith in it, full of light and sweetness;
The taste is fruity and crisp with a hint of sweetness. Sea food, salad, all light meats can match perfectly.
The taste is fruity and crisp with a hint of sweetness. Sea food, salad, all light meats can match perfectly.