Some heavy clouds, swept from the sky by a rising wind, had left the moon bright.
Hulan fruit received the green signal, swept from his lead.
He took Carrie's little hand, and a current of feeling swept from one to the other.
At one stroke he swept from linguistics all the apparatus of introspectionist psychology.
The four-month-old girl had been swept from her parents' arms in the shattered village of Ishinomaki when the deadly wave crashed into the family home.
But as the evidence of blatant disregard for safety at the incinerated building grew, disquiet swept from Shanghai, the boom's high-rise epicenter, across the country.
Blasts of cold air swept down from the mountains.
The wind swept in soft big breaths down from the moor and was strange with a wild clear scented sweetness.
She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones.
She swept up a hat from where it had fallen on the ground, and plunked it on her hair.
As the pulse passed through the glass, its event horizons should have swept some of these photons up, producing Hawking radiation from the partners they left behind.
The sand and dust were swept thousands of kilometers south and east from the arid terrain of Inner Mongolia.
Doubtless open-mouthed themselves, Pitman and Durban - along with a film crew from the BBC Natural History unit - watched as one seal, swept into the water by the orca, swam towards the humpbacks.
Macedonian forces were a fraction of the size of a far larger Persian force that had swept down from the north into a far weaker Athens a century-and-half-earlier in 480 BC, and were soundly defeated.
The Third Cholera Pandemic from 1852 to 1859 swept through Asia, North America, and Africa hitting Russia particularly hard.
Then, when Larry Bird missed 76 games in the 1988-1989 season, the Celtics went from 57-25 to 42-40 and getting swept in the first round of the playoffs.
继续,1988- 1999赛季拉里·伯德缺席76场,凯尔特人从上年57胜25负跌至42胜40负,季后赛首轮被横扫。
THE Mongol horsemen had swept westward from what is now Russia into Hungary, Poland and eastern Germany.
So the battleships and destroyers were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.
This morning some of our own fighters swept some seventy-five miles inland from the beaches to seek out German fighters - but they did not find them.
In Tahrir Square thousand of volunteers who brought their own brooms or cleaning supplies, swept streets and scrubbed graffiti from nearby buildings.
I just escaped from the water and all my belongings were swept away.
He said the skies reminded him of those of his native Algeria — bright, wind-swept, unobstructed — and he was driving “home” from Paris when he had his fatal crash.
他生前曾说,这里的蓝天让他想起自己的祖国,阿尔及利亚,晴空万里。 在他开车从巴黎回到卢玛宏村这个“家”时,遇到了致命的车祸。
One survivor said the flood torrents in the mine swept him to a spot where he had to hang from tunnel walls by his belt to avoid drowning.
People watched as dogs, cats, cows and other animals were swept away. Cars and trucks were carried miles from their homes.
People watched as dogs, cats, cows and other animals were swept away. Cars and trucks were carried miles from their homes.