A tool that helps a great deal in this whole process is SWIG, which can be persuaded to generate a lot of the XS code for you.
You had to write interface code in the XS language (or get SWIG to do that for you), build an organized module, and generally keep track of a whole lot of details.
Benjamin H. Swig bought the Fairmont in 1945, and began building an exemplary portfolio of hotels, later purchasing the Grunewald (now the Fairmont new Orleans) and the renowned Plaza in new York.
Today, I bought a new bottle of mouth wash. After brushing my teeth, I took a swig of it and spit it out in the sink.
She raised her glass and emptied it in one swig.
Having drunken up the last swig of beer at every meal, he would sit in the sofa, close his eyes and stroke around his belly.
Rick: Wow. The cheese melts in your mouth, and when you take a 2 swig of champagne, the bubbles play with the 3 creaminess of the cheese.
Oscar led his brother to the bar and poured him a tall shot, which Lewis downed in a single swig.
Taxol content in needle and swig of Taxus yunnanensis was the highest within four species from East Asia area, Taxus cuspid…
In other words, once you learn how to use SWIG, you can largely forget all the integration coding details introduced in this chapter.
In other words, once you learn how to use SWIG, you can largely forget all the integration coding details introduced in this chapter.