Indiana, solidly Republican for years, has recently become a swing state.
Republicans are tantalised by Florida, a swing state with many older Jewish voters.
The 3-layer database storing structure is used in the new hydroelectric generator vibration and swing state monitoring system.
As examples the new method is used to analyze the navigation performance of SINS being in the static state and the swing state in the paper.
Swing state polling indicates that the race is tightest in New Hampshire and Nevada, and the heavyweight states of Florida and North Carolina.
Meanwhile, Republican John McCain campaigned in Florida on Friday, another key battleground or swing state where both campaigns are very competitive.
In Florida, the largest swing state, early voting totals have already eclipsed the final 2012turnout, with Latino votes up as much as 80 per cent.
If Mr Obama had picked a less experienced man-tim Kaine, the governor of Virginia, another swing state, for example-they would be mocking the Democratic ticket as lightweight.
In case anyone missed the significance of the find, Harris made it plain: "What he found could allegedly be evidence of a massive operation designed to deliver Clinton the crucial swing state."
The strength of the Republican swing was shown in RACES beyond Congress: they took a majority of the 37 governorships at stake and 19 of the state legislatures.
The controller class is where you define handlers for Swing events (such as button clicks and text-field changes) and control the state of the model.
The view is concerned only with managing the Swing component's state; the controller handles instructing the model to perform the text updating and saving.
In fact, the balance between the state and markets will swing less than many now imagine.
Price hearing system of China has been in a state of swing and uncertainty both in the structure design and in the choice of goal pattern.
In particular, with time evolution, distribution and swing of the mean spin direction is closely related to the structure of the space where the initial coherent state centred in.
In particular, with time evolution, distribution and swing of the mean spin direction is closely related to the structure of the space where the initial coherent state centred in.