Thankfully, I've learned to switch off and let it go over my head.
Over the years, Tim Joseph's partners have helped many dairy farmers to switch to grass-fed.
Considered to be a less dangerous alternative to tobacco, "e-cigarettes" are taking over the West as more and more people switch over when trying to kick the habit.
If everything goes right, the simulator should pop up (it may, in fact, hide behind your MonoDevelop window, so you might have to switch over to it), and you should see the following.
EXSLT also defines an extension instruction func: function with identical syntax to XSL: function. (If you already use func: function, you should switch over when you adopt XSLT 2.0.)
EXSLT也定义了扩展指令func:function,语法与xsl: function相同(如果使用过func: function,采用XSLT 2.0的时候应该改过来)。
Once the database is in a consistent state, users can switch over to the standby database to continue their work.
The only cure I know is to disable power management, or simply hit the power switch and start over.
It really depends on the requirements of your application, but once you select a method, stick to it, because you'll generate inconsistencies if you switch over mid-stream.
The two units are interchangeable; Toyota should do the right thing and switch production over, and insist on replacing all the CTS-type units even after they have had their temporary fix.
As a precaution, should consumers switch to other types of over-the-counter pain relief?
When you feel yourself being critical or judgemental, or involved in unhealthy competition or comparing, switch over to the bright side by giving support.
In another window on Server 1, end the queue manager with the -is option so that it will switch over to a standby queue manager.
在Server1的另一个窗口中,使用- is选项结束队列管理器,这样它将切换到备用队列管理器。
In order to help users switch over, Google has provided an upgrade guide with a list of incompatibilites between the two versions.
为了帮助用户切换到新版本,Google 提供了一个升级指南并列出两个版本之间的不兼容之处。
For transparent switch over, applications can be coded to catch the StaleConnection exception and retry a specified number of times to obtain new connection handles.
When you need to do heavier lifting, which on a netbook probably means running Microsoft Office, you can switch over to Windows or whatever OS may be running.
Toggle off all other layers and switch over to the Channels palette.
You can launch in hosted mode once again, but you'll need to switch over to GWT's Web mode for testing your new page.
Heartbeat is configured to switch over to the backup node if the master node happens to go down.
When the advertised 2 hours of MP3 or 4 hours of WMA tunes get stale, you can always switch over to the FM radio to remind yourself why you never listen to the radio anymore.
It will be interesting to see if owners of these smartphone switch over to the iPhone 4 or if they stick with their Android device and wait to see what Apple brings out for a new generation product.
The ebXML Working Group was left with a choice -- either continue with their own XML-messaging specification or make the switch over to use the SOAP With Attachments specification.
ebXML 工作组面临着一个选择 --或者继续使用他们自己的 XML 消息传递规范,或者转而采用带附件的SOAP 规范。
The grade switch-over in polyolefin production process often caused a great influence on production cost and production strategy.
And, should one of the two types of fuel be fully consumed, the system will automatically switch over to the other type of fuel in the interest of secure, ongoing supply.
Motorized air dampers are used to bring in fresh air or, in times of higher temperature, switch over to recirculation.
Each gas manifold shall be constructed to provide semi-automatic switch over from in-use cylinders to online backup cylinders.
If antiperspirants don't help you the doctor may switch over to Oral Medications.
They will force your opponent to switch over to Bikes and Buggies , which are easy to kill with some Seeker support.
Fuse, leakage, electric shock protection switch, over-temperature alarm and two-level dual protection.
Fuse, leakage, electric shock protection switch, over-temperature alarm and two-level dual protection.