RCD snubber circuit is designed to solve the IGBT switching loss problem.
Zero switching loss can be used to make it affected only by inherent characters of devices.
The voltage peak and switching loss during switching of inverter is the main cause that due to the damage of IGBT.
And the power dissipation is 0.11W (including switching loss) when supply voltage is 12V. The designed chip was taped out.
How to reduce the switching loss of the power electron equipment is the key technology of high power of chopping AC regulator.
With high chopping frequency and novel control strategy, the size of filter elements is reduced and switching loss of IGBTs drops.
As a new technique, the recently developed quasi-resonant technique can improve the efficiency of converters by reducing the switching loss.
Proposed in this paper is a new method to reduce the switching loss of active power filter (APF) through adjusting the hysteresis band width.
Forming cross functional teams that work on one project at a time is vital to increasing throughput and productivity by reducing switching loss.
In order to decrease the switching loss and increase the efficiency of the converter, a improved RCD snubber is presented. Then its working modes are analyzed.
SVPWM technique have many good qualities, such as less pulsating torque, high usage of DC bus voltage, less switching loss, better high-speed regulation performance.
In this control law multi-object function is created, which enables a voltage-source type inverter to produce a near standard sine wave with a minimum switching loss.
As the working frequency of the switches in SMPS (switch Mode Power Supply) increases, the switching loss increases, too. Soft switch technique can overcome this problem.
Basing on the technology of soft-switch, a novel two-switch LLC resonant inverter topology was proposed, which has solved the switching loss in traditional induction heating.
When applied to active power filter, this novel control scheme not only reduces the switching frequency and the switching loss, but also has better performance and robustness.
The biggest loss to the business, he believes, is the disappearance of a long-term vision, with the emphasis switching to short-term financial results.
What is more, switching limited vaccine-making capacity to pandemic production will mean the partial or even complete loss of normal seasonal vaccine supply.
This paper is to introduce the application of Tektronix TDS7000 Digital Fluorescent Oscillometer in measuring and analyzing the power loss of switching supply.
The efficiency of switching power amplifiers is high, that have advantages in the situations with high demands in cubage, efficiency, and loss.
Practice shows that the design reduces the switching stress and loss, improves the reliability of the whole machine and reduces the cost of the arc welding power.
In order to avoid immense loss for optical cable break, a quick fault detection and optical path automatic switching system is designed and realized.
The shortcoming of hard switch is that the power loss of power devices increases with the switching frequency, which is no good for system integration and improvement of conversion efficiency.
Solutions to the detailed problems of G -type amplifier is proposed such as switching disturbance, loss and speed which are particular to G-type amplifier.
The increasing brand switching behavior has caused a great loss to many enterprises.
An asymmetrical half-bridge operation in soft switching mode can reduce switching power loss and improve the efficiency of power supply.
IGCT with current, high voltage, high switching frequency, high reliability and compact structure, and low loss characteristics, but have led to the low yield, a good prospect.
IGCT with current, high voltage, high switching frequency, high reliability and compact structure, and low loss characteristics, but have led to the low yield, a good prospect.