Li Jinfa has been a pioneer in modern symbolical poetry in China.
Seoul square is a symbolical center of Seoul and the only existing outside public space.
Since the whole ritual economy was symbolical of Christ, it had no value apart from Him.
The origin of Confucius' school symbolical idea of poetry and its characteristic had been discussed in this article.
Everyone know lotus is freehanded, graceful, refined, pure. And it is even the symbolical flower of classical Chinese.
In the history of Chinese literature, the period of symbolical thought of literary and artistic theory has not been recognized.
Centeral street is a symbolical street in Harbin, which has many functions highlighting commercial, cultural, tourist and public activities.
Experiment 1 detects that the memorial performances of the tow groups have no differences, but the symbolical performances of unique places are better than it of identical places.
The symbolical setting focusing on the protagonist Amiyou reflects the writer's thought of the real world and the ideal world, implying of the writer's longing for human tenderness.
Maqiao Dictionary is a novel full of symbolical implication, which is of very deep understanding of relationships between man and society, between man and culture, between language and being, etc.
Maqiao Dictionary is a novel full of symbolical implication, which is of very deep understanding of relationships between man and society, between man and culture, between language and being, etc.