These mainly include: symmetrical balance, simple homogeneous one, to reconcile contrast, proportion, rhythm, and Unity in Diversity.
Symmetrical and asymmetrical balance can be helpful in achieving a solid and clear design solution and thus provide a foundation for rich user interaction.
Imagine that these two couples are standing at either end of a pair of scales. They are evenly balanced, so this is a classic example of symmetrical balance.
Apple's design is probably one of the best examples of the symmetrical (also called formal) balance.
In all flexion activities, symmetrical or asymmetrical sternocleidomastoids were the major flexor muscles, and they had to balance the mechanics of the neck as agonists, synergists, or antagonists.
Chinese culture is Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism as a philosophy based on harmony with Heaven culture, emphasizing a balanced symmetrical uniform, to the rules, balance for the United States.
Load balance is implemented by a server cluster which consists of multiple servers in a symmetrical form. Each server has the same status and is able to provide service independently.
Load balance is implemented by a server cluster which consists of multiple servers in a symmetrical form. Each server has the same status and is able to provide service independently.