Mold and carcinogenic nitrosamines a synergistic effect.
Arsenic has no synergistic effect with UV on melanin metabolism.
The synergistic effect of quercetin and BHT or TBHQ was not significant.
The importance of synergistic effect on inhibition in acid solutions is summarized.
There was no synergistic effect between glucose and HLS in the development of atherosclerosis.
The suede pigskin garment leather with synergistic effect of combination-tannage was investigated.
The resulting paper describes a damaging synergistic effect between drought and expected climate changes.
The synergistic effect of DPTT and benzotriazole(BTA) as corrosion inhibitor for copper were investigated.
Synergistic effect of certain essential oils when mixed with other essential oils or synthetic insecticides.
The combined additive of TOTT and TCP show synergistic effect in antiwear and friction-reducing in base oil.
Synergistic effect among zinc soap and any other metal soaps was studied by Congo Red method and Heating method.
There is a good synergistic effect between ash and gaseous components, which enhances the removal of each other.
Including a synergistic effect theory, theory of market forces, the agency theory, information and signal theory.
PESA also has certain corrosion inhibition performance, and good synergistic effect with other corrosion and scale inhibitors.
Objective:To screen out the principles possessing the anti-malaria synergistic effect with allylpyrocatechol from Semen Arecae.
The results show that the retanning agent SAB can fill leather to a certain degree, has good synergistic effect with dyestuff and oil.
结果表明:SAB复鞣剂具有一定的填充作用,与染料、 油脂的协同作用好;
Reactions with various enzymes showed that cellulase, hemicellulase and pectinase had synergistic effect on im proving extraction rate.
不同的酶作用对核酸酶提取的影响显示: 纤维酶、半纤维酶和果胶酶对麦芽根破壁具有协同作用。
Synergistic effect, one of the specific properties of combination tannage in leather making is related to the order of the tanning agents used.
The nature of the cluster's competitive advantage is to achieve the maximum of the cluster's synergistic effect with association and clustering.
Enterprises failed to carry out new manufacturing models for they neglected synergistic effect of both inner and outer environments of the organization.
In this paper, the effects of reinforcing and toughening of rigid nano-particle on RPVC and the synergistic effect of nanoparticle with CPE were studied.
It is found that there exists an obvious synergistic effect between alkali and surfactant but not between polymer and alkaline or polymer and surfactant.
The acidic medium could remove oil and rust at relatively low temperatures and in a short time due to the synergistic effect of ultrasonic and chemistry.
Mixtures of carotenoids were more effective than the single compounds and this synergistic effect was most pronounced when lycopene or lutein was present.
CONCLUSION: Kanglaite combined with Gemzar could inhibit the growth of the transplanted human pancreatic carcinoma in nude mice and has synergistic effect.
It's the important approach of improving the market competitive power, which is rooted in the synergistic effect that created by resource share and integration.
The results showed the use of PA6 upgraded the mechanical properties and thermal stability of the composite, and PA6 had obvious synergistic effect on the system.
The mechanism of the synergistic effect of this combination technology was illustrated, and its purification efficiency for stenchful gas was valued by pilot test.
The mechanism of the synergistic effect of this combination technology was illustrated, and its purification efficiency for stenchful gas was valued by pilot test.