For example, the bottom-up approach analyzes existing Information Management System (IMS) transactions or COBOL programs.
In a model-centric approach, the system models have sufficient detail to enable the generation of a full system implementation from the models themselves.
The use-case technique is an increasingly popular approach to capturing requirements and driving system development.
Keep in mind that the project activities need to be iterative; the traditional waterfall approach to system development is prone to much higher risk, especially for large and complex projects.
If the measure of value is providing a system that meets stakeholder needs, one approach is to demonstrate the developing system to key stakeholders at regular intervals.
Using this approach, you system programming staff can be relieved of the burden of handling requests for non-production resources, and development charge backs can diminish significantly.
This competitive dynamic forms an entirely different basis for how component vendors approach system integration and support.
The approach allows system administrators to isolate potential security risks while maintaining the flexibility that tools like PHP provide.
Using system properties is a simpler and more straightforward approach to configuring UDDI4J.
To reiterate, just because a project or organization has a source control system does not mean that that system will support an Agile CM approach.
Your organizational structure is used to justify the architectural approach for a system without consideration of the true requirements for that system.
However, since any logic models cannot enumerate all possibilities, such a model will fail once any developer defined a system using a different approach.
While this approach works, it adds complexity to the system compared to using timer nodes.
To tackle such an immense system, QA engineers must approach SAP applications with care.
We'll use the use-case template for this scenario because we intend to represent our system requirements with a use-case approach.
Rather, Embrapa’s was a “system approach”, as its scientists call it: all the interventions worked together.
The Ubuntu upstart system is an event-based approach for init system replacement.
Ubuntuupstart系统是替代init 系统的一个基于事件的方法。
The next generation init system (initng) is a dependency-based approach for init system replacement.
GMT, May 17, 2010 AMAPTM (Advanced Modular Armor Protection) is the expression of the system approach for a balanced and optimized Survivability Concept, developed by IBD Deisenroth Engineering.
There are a number of ways to upgrade a running system. The right approach depends on some factors
In theory, the Army could use such a system to approach targets covertly and drill through concrete, steel, wood, or other materials from a stand-off distance equal to the length of a football field.
Keynes's genius - a very English one - was to insist we should approach an economic system not as a morality play but as a technical challenge.
Since use cases take a black box approach to the system, they cannot be critical drivers for the unit testers.
The i-Pod success is not just due to design but mostly to a system approach to a certain problem.
苹果i - Pod的成功的绝大部分原因,不是在于设计,而是在于系统——接近了某个特定问题的系统。
Rubinstein's second way to answer question 1 addresses this drawback of the logical system approach, adopting instead what I'll call the equilibrium approach.
According to a computer virus intrusion system approach can be divided into source virus, computer virus virus, operating system viruses and shell viruses.
Until we are all willing to embrace the transparency that agile brings, we will talk about becoming agile, but we will not embrace agile as a system-a holistic approach to work.
The system approach allows each insured nonmember bank to design its own program, in accordance with its own business practices, that will best suit the nonmember bank.
The practice of project management pays attention to goal-oriented systems, subsystem, their relationships, and environment; this is what makes project management a "system approach" to management.
The practice of project management pays attention to goal-oriented systems, subsystem, their relationships, and environment; this is what makes project management a "system approach" to management.