It focuses on identifying the behaviour of a system.
This record has less to do with who supervises the financial system than with local laws and behaviour.
You can see from the above use case that the behaviour of your system mirrors its implementation closely.
A system that taxes similar people in similar situations different amounts distorts behaviour, offends against a sense of justice and thus undermines compliance.
You can control the reflection accessor behaviour using system properties.
Uncertainties over aspects of the Earth's immensely complex climate system, such as melting ice and the behaviour of clouds, could also skew the overall picture.
Such behaviour destroyed trillions of euros of value and brought the whole system to the point of collapse.
We live in a society where people whose behaviour is considered to deviate from the norm - as determined arbitrarily by that society - answer to the justice system.
Being able to begin your software development efforts by outlining system behaviour via a use case diagram really helps you create a quality application architecture and design.
It almost goes without saying that — when creating an application — expected system behaviour does not always match actual system implementation.
The services in the service registry can react very quickly to changes in the system, and bundles can actively change their behaviour based upon which services are available in the runtime.
They are up against a highly organised army, using a sophisticated communication system to coordinate its behaviour.
The system can even be programmed to detect the characteristic behaviour of shoplifters.
At the application layer within the Infiniflow Service Fabric architecture, scale out behaviour of a composite System is a function of.
The system can distinguish between types of behaviour and incoming information, says Dr Horvitz.
Monitoring and diagnostics - Performance monitoring, system information, system behaviour, diagnostics and logging beyond the standard Tomcat facilities has been added.
Mr Imai warns, however, that “there are people who take advantage of the system” by claiming they are depressed “and lawyers who encourage that kind of behaviour”.
Given an RT operating system, such as RT Linux, that provides the basis for RT behaviours, other major pieces of the JVM can be built to also exhibit RT behaviour.
假设一个RT操作系统(比如rtLinux)为RT行为提供了基础,那么可以构建J VM的其他主要部分来呈现RT行为。
What makes the rich's behaviour so galling for many critics is that their two greatest crimes were committed in broad daylight, as they were part of the system itself.
To better understand model-centric development concepts, take a step back from the code and analyze the behaviour of your system.
But for exasperated drivers, help may be at hand in the shape of a satnav system that understands a driver’s emotions and adjusts its behaviour accordingly.
Providing managers with financial rewards can encourage them to game the system or, even worse, to engage in reckless behaviour.
A system which allows psychologists to track people's emotional behaviour through their phones has been successfully road-tested by scientists.
The true core of a real-time environment is that the system will guarantee to perform some task within a pre-defined time so that the system's behaviour becomes fully deterministic.
Helps find the source of unusual delays, slow behaviour in a system, or situations when the system appears to hang and then recovers.
Object diagrams allow you to model the instances of your classes (as objects) in a class diagram in order to describe the behaviour of a system.
The first system, emphasising rehabilitation, gives a lot of discretion to parole boards, who can reward good behaviour and also help with overcrowding by reducing inmates' prison time.
But what makes the rich's behaviour so galling for many critics is that their two greatest crimes were committed in broad daylight, as they were part of the system itself.
The first system, emphasising rehabilitation, gives a lot of discretion to parole boards, who reward good behaviour and also help with overcrowding by reducing inmates’ prison time.
之前的刑罚体系重在改造罪犯,很看重假释裁决委员会的意见。 这个委员会对表现良好的服刑人员予以奖励,同时也因减少犯人刑期,缓解了监狱人员过多的问题。
On large scales - at the scale of the solar system or of the universe itself - the equations of general relativity yield a value of G that tallies with observed behaviour.