According to the function requirement and the characteristic of MVC mode, the System analyze and design from the implement of MIDP main class, model class, XML parser.
OBJECTIVE: To comprehensively analyze the application values of silicon rubber in the design of artificial organs, medical apparatus, facial plastic surgery and medical release system.
In the process of system development, the system has been always using object-oriented analysis and design idea analyze the demand, and put the various functions to be object-oriented designed.
This result improves the efficiency in developing PMSM control system and provides effective method to analyze and design the system.
Analyze the effect of suspension Angle rigidity on stress of frame-body carrying system. Emphasize the proper matching of suspension Angle rigidity and frame-body Angle rigidity in design.
This nonlinear model can be used to design and analyze the control system of diesel engine.
After discussing the security design about three factor, we analyze and implement the security in the Bond Block Trade System.
Through the research and analysis of data in the database, unified modeling language (UML) is used to analyze and design the digital river information management system.
Analyze the design and operation of conduction oil system in chemical plants, point out the matters needing attention, which guarantee the system run for long time.
It was used structured analysis and business system planning method to expound how to analyze and design Railway Transportation Income Management Information system.
The model and the software depending on the applied subject were applied to design and analyze of hydraulic bending roller control system in China National Erzhong Group Co.
This paper introduces how to construct Yangtze River knowledge base based on conception design method, analyze and design conception model, architecture, system flow and system modules.
It is important to design and analyze the hydrodynamic control system and to spread its applied fields.
This paper presents the hardware and program design of a data sampling system based on TMS320F206 microcomputer, which enables us to sample, convert, analyze and process the multiple input data.
In this paper, we discuss the feasibility of solar alert sign technology applied to power systems, and analyze its key technical design factors and system implementation principles.
Analyze the characteristic of the system used in hydraulic engineering, design the application of server and build mobile hydraulic information inquiry system.
As a example about the Manufacture of the electronic products, we use OMT to analyze and design it. Also, we introduce the characters of this system.
Analyze and design of electrically controlled system of the cold storage and integrative demonstration machine of central air conditioner comprehensively.
It can be a help for the engineering design to deeply analyze the structure behavior and have an examination research on the typical joints and members in the air-cooled condenser structure system.
Base of the ordinary need of the school, I analyze the origin of the data and the work flow, collect data from the ordinary work, and choose the suitable software to design this system.
DC-DC switching converter is a time-variant and non-linear dynamic system, and it is difficult to analyze and design.
Analyze realtime tutoring system based on stream-media and its design and realization.
So during structure analyze and design, the randomness of structural system and load is considered is according to engineer practice.
In order analyze and design the power supply system, the system models which control by two above-mentioned control modes are established and analyzed by computer.
Secondly, we introduce the relational knowledge of wireless channel, the system model and basic theory of OFDM, also analyze OFDM signal's design rules.
We analyze the mode of embedded software development, and mostly explain the design and development of the experimentation system, which will improve the practice ability of embedded application.
And then, it USES Object-Oriented methods to analyze and design the requirement model of the system.
This text takes early warning theories as the guide, then combines the actual circumstance of mine production to design and analyze the construction of the early warning system of mine safety.
Analyze the relation of the water flooding system and the water flooding station; present a design of simplifying the water flooding system control to water flooding equipment control.
Analyze the relation of the water flooding system and the water flooding station; present a design of simplifying the water flooding system control to water flooding equipment control.