Only a portion of this system was allocated for this benchmark.
This article describes the overall system configuration and some of the technology behind the benchmark result.
Even when you write an excellent benchmark, your results may be only valid on the system you ran it on.
The agreement this week to move to quarterly contracts based on spot prices marks the end of the annual benchmark system that has lasted 40 years.
本周达成的协议转向以现货价为基础的季度合约,这标志着已持续40年的年度基准合 约体系寿终正寝。
Note that these results are not tuned for optimal performance and should not be considered official benchmark results for the system, but rather results obtained for research purposes.
After the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in 1973 the Deutschmark emerged as the benchmark currency in continental Europe.
Now that your system is prepared, you can use your benchmark applications to test each technology in turn.
If your system has a primary and secondary DNS server, and 4 global DNS servers to test, only the best 4 regional DNS servers will be used in the benchmark.
The Apache DayTrader application is a performance benchmark application that models an online stock trading system.
The deal by Vale of Brazil and Anglo-Australian BHP Billiton with Japanese and Chinese mills marks the end of the 40-year-old benchmark system of annual contracts and lengthy price negotiations.
Note that this system was not dedicated to this Lotus Domino benchmark but was running other workloads at the same time.
In the SPECjAppServer2004 benchmark, the size of the system is specified by the injection rate.
在SPECjAppServer 2004基准中,系统的大小是由注入速率(injection rate)指定的。
Designed for server workloads, Microsoft Windows server 2003, Enterprise Edition, is the operating system selected for this benchmark.
因为MicrosoftWindowsServer 2003企业版是针对服务器工作负载而设计的,所以被选择作为该基准测试的操作系统。
For this benchmark, a z10 EC 2097-764 system was used.
对于这个基准测试,使用了一个z 10EC 2097- 764系统。
The load tests require more resources, and all will share from the same physical server, so these benchmark tests should not be performed on operating system-virtualized systems.
The benchmark for these executable UML pilots was a system already using full-scale MDD with fully executable models — that is, a very advanced form of MDD.
The Real-Time Inverted Pendulum is used as a benchmark, to test the validity and the performance of the software underlying the state-space controller algorithm, i. e. the used operating system.
The system can be treated as linear near the benchmark point.
This system comprises four essences, indicators system, benchmark, criteria and methodology.
Fresh Diagnose is a utility designed to analyze and benchmark your computer system.
Atomic frequency Standard is the frequency and time benchmark of space technology and time awarding system, directly determining the quality of satellite communications.
Atomic frequency Standard is the frequency and time benchmark of space technology and time awarding system, directly determining the quality of satellite communications.