Set up the environment variable ROO-DEV in your system settings, which should point to the bootstrap folder within the Roo project.
This is called the system domain and includes classes loaded by the system (application) loader, the extensions loader, and the bootstrap loader.
Because these are trusted system classes, the bootstrap loader skips much of the validation that gets done for normal (untrusted) classes.
On an embedded platform, a bootstrap environment is used when the system is powered on, or reset.
Finally, concepts such as ordinary compiling, self-compiling, bootstrap structure, macro structure and hierarchical structure are discussed with the formal deductive system given in this paper.
The cooling system of reverse bootstrap air cycle driven by powered turbine can be used for cooling the avionics pods.
This paper describes in detail the guiding process of an operating system, involving an implementation of a bootstrap loader and a simple kernel based on IA32.
According to the functional requirement of the system, the software part of this thesis includes two projects, the voice project of user application and the burning project realizing bootstrap of DSP.
According to the functional requirement of the system, the software part of this thesis includes two projects, the voice project of user application and the burning project realizing bootstrap of DSP.