One of these magics was, on nearly every platform, to provide its own declarations for every library function and system call it planned to use, rather than including the standard headers.
Unlike the system call probe, user function probes must specify a specific process ID and are limited to probe the function at entry.
The wrapper function does whatever it thinks it needs to in order to pretend to have made the right underlying system call.
In terms of the way it is called, there is no difference between a system call and a library function.
OProfile is fine-grained and can collect samples for a set of instructions, or for function, system call, or interrupt handlers.
So when you invoke a system call from your user code, say from function foo in your program, you are actually invoking a routine in the kernel.
As you can see, the syscall function includes as its first argument the index of the system call table to use.
In this article, I explore the Linux SCI, demonstrate adding a system call to the 2.6.17 and prior 2.6 kernels, and then use this function from user-space.
Second, a Linux system call is basically a function that is a part of the operating system's code.
This function is a high-level way of opening a file; but, since the only way to open a file in Linux is to use the open system call, fopen makes use of open in its implementation.
该函数是打开文件的高层次方式;但是,因为在Linux中打开文件的唯一方法是使用open系统调用,所以fopen在其实现中利用open 。
The system under test does not make a direct global function call to Math.random in order to determine the initial image state of the reels.
被测系统并未直接调用全局函数Math . random,来决定每个轴初始的图片状态。
Within your original script, the system decides which feed to process through the specification within the call to the rss-summary function: {local: rss-summary (" planet.rss2.xml ")}.
在原始脚本中,由系统通过rss -summary函数调用{local: rss - summary (“planet . rss2 . xml ”)}中的规范来决定处理哪一个提要。
With the syscall function, you can call a system call by specifying its call index and a set of arguments.
When an error occurs in a system call, you can access and display a message corresponding to the error in at least one of two ways: by using either the perror or the strerror function.
An example of a library function that does have an associated system call is the fopen function declared in stdio.h.
有相关系统调用的库函数的一个示例是stdio . h中声明的fopen函数。
An example of a library function that does not have an associated system call is the strlen function declared in string.h.
没有相关系统调用的库函数的一个示例是string . h中声明的strlen函数。
As one of the most important function entity of RRM (Radio Resource Management) in CDMA system, CAC (Call Admission Control) is based on the measurement of burden on a cell.
呼叫接纳控制(CAC)是CD MA蜂窝系统无线资源管理的重要功能实体,它建立在对各小区负荷的测量基础之上。
As one of the most important function entity of RRM (Radio Resource Management) in CDMA system, CAC (Call Admission Control) is based on the measure of burden on a cell.
呼叫接纳控制(CAC)是CD MA蜂窝系统无线资源管理的重要功能实体同,它建立在对各小区负荷的测量基础之上。
The key function of this system is management of certificate lifecycle, so also call it public key certificate management system.
At last, we describe the design and the whole idea of the VPN security policy system, discuss the divide of each module, the function of the module and the relation between the call.
The unit class tests checks each function unit (user command, system call) of os which is based on safe mechanisms.
The main function of gateways is to connect IP network and traditional phone system, and provide multi-call signaling exchanging and the conversion of voice formats.
As a component of call center system, ACD (automatic call distribution) implements the function of route.
For a module, the period of time in which at least one function in the module was on the call stack, excluding time that was spent in calls to the operating system.
Embedded systems generally refers to non-PC system, a computer function but do not call it the equipment or computer equipment.
It puts forward a solution plan of educational administration management call-center in University, and discuss structure design, software design and function design of call-center system.
We illustrate how to use EPON Network Element Management System Communication Interface to call for business and how to use the callback function to transmit alarm data.
The system software driver allows a single function call to set up and control multiple E4360s in a system.
We call it Internet Information Radar System (IIRS). The basic function of IIRS is tracking and monitoring the latest information in the Internet.
We call it Internet Information Radar System (IIRS). The basic function of IIRS is tracking and monitoring the latest information in the Internet.