The integration of both aspects shows fully the system dynamic behavior. AOHNM provides the methodology for information…
The sequence diagram and the state chart diagram describe the system dynamic behavior from different viewpoint, which illustrates the software dynamic model.
Behavioral diagrams, on the other hand, show the dynamic behavior between the objects in the system, including things like their methods, collaborations, and activities.
Achievement motivation is an important component of the dynamic system of mental activities and the most direct factor which stimulates individuals' achievement behavior.
Rapid development of a branch of the modern theory of controll-technique of system identification gives a wider way for the prediction for the behavior of various dynamic systems.
In the top-level modeling language, system model was divided into static structure and dynamic behavior.
In future work, we would like to explore the use of a dynamic model that captures more transient behavior of the system and use it as the basis for better controller design.
Diagonal recurrent neural network (DRNN) is a modified model of the fully connected recurrent neural network with the advantage in capturing the dynamic behavior of a system.
By analyzing and studying about the group collaboration and system behavior of telemedicine system, the concept of static and dynamic factors is presented.
The dynamic behavior of a half coupling is described by six coefficients, and the vibration model of bearing rotor system with a gear coupling is developed.
As the starting point and extension of dynamic traffic, parking behavior is a problem of static transport, affecting normal operation of the whole city traffic system.
Dynamic behavior of centrifugal flywheel governor system subjected to external disturbance was studied.
Moblie robot is one important research branches of robot technology, it is a synthesis system including environment detecting, dynamic decision-making and planning, behavior controlling and executing.
The influence of material on the dynamic behavior of non linear vibrating system is studied.
Characteristics of knowledge exchanging behavior among individual agents in a knowledge dynamic interaction system are studied by using the game theory.
The similar complex situation possibly occurs in the separate dynamic system, based on Cellular Automata model for the research dynamic system behavior provided another optional method to be possible.
For revealing the dynamic behavior of the sod-nonlinear structure interaction system, the vibration equation of interaction system is analyzed using modern dynamic theory.
It provides a kind of relation - the scheduling - activity relation describing the behavior of dynamic system, which lays the foundation for analyzing for the behavior of dynamic system.
The dynamic behavior of a system is determined by the parameters of the network. Partition based upon parameters of the network might be called dynamic partition.
However system identification in oil field dynamic system is still only limited to material and energy study in reservoir behavior system, so for.
Analogue computation and experiments show that employing compound oil film damper in antifriction bearing spindle system will raise significantly the dynamic behavior of machine tool.
As a standard language for modeling systems, UML can model the system with static structure and dynamic behavior.
作为一个通用的标准建模语言,U ML可以对任何具有静态结构和动态行为的系统进行建模。
Intrusion detection is an active defense measure that can monitor the dynamic behavior characteristic of network or computer system and then examine whether there is any intrusion.
With the feedback behavior, the recurrent neural network can catch up with the dynamic response of the system.
Mobile robot is an integrative system that gathers these functions of sensing environment, dynamic decision-making, controlling and executing behavior and so on in it.
To completely test the behavior of relay device in power system dynamic lab, different fault types, as more as possible, should be simulated.
With the feedback behavior, the recursive neural network can catch up with the dynamic response of the system.
Model predictive control (MPC) refer to a class of control algorithms that optimize the current input by predicting the future behavior of system based on system dynamic model.
The operation of the simulation model showed that it is completely feasible to study the dynamic behavior of the pneumatic flap gate system of dry docks by using the described model.
The operation of the simulation model showed that it is completely feasible to study the dynamic behavior of the pneumatic flap gate system of dry docks by using the described model.