Error: More than one RAC detected, system halted.
Error: RAC is not in the correct PCI slot, system halted.
Function of parameters memory and electricity incoming recovery when data lost because of power cut or system halted.
Having a scheduled reboot hang because the system halted during startup (it couldn't find a keyboard, perhaps) is annoying, to say the least.
When you delete the instance, the instance is halted and the data in the ephemeral file system is deleted and is not recoverable, so you have to keep important data on other storage systems.
The global threat of MDR-TB and XDR-TB (M/XDR-TB) can be halted if TB control measures are urgently put in place across the whole health system as recommended under the Stop TB Strategy.
When a system is halted unexpectedly, selected areas of kernel data are copied to the primary dump device.
The ext3 file system introduced the concept of journaling to improve the reliability of the file system when the system is abruptly halted.
If the -j option is used in gabconfig, the system is halted when the iofence message is received.
如果gabconfig使用- j参数,在收到iofence信息时系统将停止。
POS equipment must be restarted after the mouse and keyboard are connected, or maybe they cannot be used normally or the system will be halted.
连接鼠标键盘后必须重新启动POS设备,否则可能会造成鼠标 键盘不能正常使用或死机现象;
In 2002, for example, the pharmaceutical company Elan halted trials of a different vaccine after 15 patients suffered swelling of the central nervous system.
The system of biomedical research monitoring was effective in this case, assuring that once a certain signal was seen, the trial was halted.
The system of biomedical research monitoring was effective in this case, assuring that once a certain signal was seen, the trial was halted.