Considering the practical case of delayed feedback environment, the closed-form expressions of system spectral efficiency under delayed channel were derived.
Because of its high capacity and large spectral efficiency, V-BLAST system became popular in recent years.
The author has described several key techniques for improving the capacity of CDMA digital celullar system, comparing to the spectral efficiency of FDMA and TDMA cellular system.
MIMO relay channels, which combines the multiple antenna system and the relay, can improve the spectral efficiency of relay network.
Simulation results show that the system can get satisfactory image communication performance in the very high spectral efficiency situation over the flat fading channel.
LTE system adopts MIMO and OFDM as its two most important fundamental techniques, so as to respond to the requirements of large capacity and high spectral efficiency.
Adaptive modulation can improve the system performance with high spectral efficiency.
Conventional CDMA communication system has serious mutiple access interference (MAI), so the spectral efficiency and user capacity of channel is not maximum.
The advantages of CDMA communication system in 3g are large capacity, soft capacity, soft handover, higher spectral efficiency and the ability to resist the effects of multi-path fading, and so on.
CD MA通信系统由于具有容量大、软容量、软切换、频率利用率高、抗多径衰落能力强等优点而在第三代移动通信系统(3 G)中得到广泛应用。
The advantages of CDMA communication system in 3g are large capacity, soft capacity, soft handover, higher spectral efficiency and the ability to resist the effects of multi-path fading, and so on.
CD MA通信系统由于具有容量大、软容量、软切换、频率利用率高、抗多径衰落能力强等优点而在第三代移动通信系统(3 G)中得到广泛应用。