In this example, you will create a use case in your diagram for each of the previously modeled utility classes, since they represent the main functionality of our system.
The descriptions describe the functionality of the use case in the system; the diagram provides the visual roadmap of those descriptions.
Use case diagram Provides a behavioral view of system context by displaying actors external to the system who go to the system to achieve a specific, valued result (use case).
Being able to begin your software development efforts by outlining system behaviour via a use case diagram really helps you create a quality application architecture and design.
By contrast, a system analyst is interested in the functionality described in the use-case diagram and less interested in the details of construction and deployment.
Use case diagram: A visual representation of system users (actors) and the services they request from the system.
For example, we may initially represent a complex system that satisfies the needs of its users by way of a use-case or context diagram.
This diagram has already been shown in Figure 13, and represents the System Use Case Model.
If, for example, it is decided that the Scheduler worker has to be automated, the sequence diagram shown in Figure 11 provides useful information to create the Scheduler System use Case model.
SV-4 Systems Functionality Description Identifies system behavior and the information flow related to that behavior. Activity Diagram for each system use case 8.
SV - 4系统功能描述确定系统行为及与该行为相关的信息流。
Getting the system requirement model by using use case model in UML, and making further system analysis by using class diagram and package diagram in UML.
This paper introduces UML use case on the systems function analysis, and further abstracts class diagram and system database structure designing.
The system requirements and design models are defined by UML diagrams such as Use Case diagram, Class diagram, Sequence diagram, Collaboration diagram, Component diagram, and Deployment diagram.
Beehive Customer Management System used UML class diagram to build static model, used use case diagram to analyze requirement and used sequence diagram to build dynamic model.
蜂窝客户管理系统利用UM L类图建立了系统静态模型,并对蜂窝定义与划分模块使用用例图进行需求分析和用时序图来完成动态模型的建立。
The activity diagram, use case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram and the class diagram are used for building the analysis and design model of the sedimentary facies modeling system.
系统中采用了活动图、 用例图、顺序图、交互图和类图建立沉积相建模系统的分析和设计模型。
A sequence diagram that shows how the goals of the use case are realized by interactions between users and the system or its major components.
An activity diagram that shows the detailed actions of the users and the system or its major components as they perform the use case.
In the detail design part of the information processing system of collection payment, this thesis used UML use case, sequence diagram and class diagram to describe the entire design process.
A use case diagram is a UML diagram that provides a graphical view of the requirements of your system, and helps you identify how users interact with it.
Firstly, through using the UML to build the use-case diagram of each model to analyse the system, it designs the data flow and the databases for the buying-stock-selling system.
Through the analysis of system's specific requirements, use case diagram and use body to describe demand analysis of system function module.
Unified Modeling Language(UML) use case diagram was used to denote the function requirements of the system.
Secondly, we use fishbone diagram method to analyze how to build up a highly efficient process system and choose a certain mobile company for practical case study.
Through analyse system's blocking function, use case diagram and data flow, we bring forward a B/S triple layers system which is based on ASP.
The system development is divided into 5 steps: use case modeling, class diagram analysis, database design, program implementation, installation manual.
The system development is divided into 5 steps: use case modeling, class diagram analysis, database design, program implementation, installation manual.