Indeed the major strides in prevention have largely come from a perspective focused " on systematically building competency, not correcting weakness. ""
Building the right product requires systematically and relentlessly testing that vision to discover which elements of it are brilliant, and which are crazy.
They systematically cover SCM planning and deployment, as well as using SCM throughout the entire project lifecycle: development, integration, building, baselining, release deployment, and beyond.
Based on the failure model during an earthquake, the property requirements for building structural steel used in seismic regions are systematically developed in this paper.
Museum architecture is one of the building types with high specialization degree, which needs to be researched systematically and theoretically.
The supervising inputting model is developed on the ARC/INFO (win NT)platform and is applied in practice, the building of underground pipe database of Nanjing city is mentioned systematically.
In this paper, the propagation of train-induced vibrations and their influence rules in the surrounding free field and building are systematically analyzed.
Since glass is the weakness of building insulation, it is urgent to evaluate acoustical glazing systematically and find new test methods to accelerate application and manufacture of acoustical glass.
The existing building has rigid 3D grid, consisting of the walls and floors, which systematically divide the internal space into eight.
After studying the principle and the building methods of DW systematically, we put forward the DW's application in the IPDSS.
So far the convective heat transfer coefficient of the building wall's exterior surface has not been studied systematically.
According to the building logical order and from the environment point of view, this article systematically studies the architecture pattern and environmental image in paintings of Song Dynasty.
The status quo of domestic body-building equipment industry was analyzed systematically on product quality, test system and quality supervision.
Systematically expounding and comparing 7 building ontology approaches, a new approach to building domain ontology — Cycle Evolution is proposed.
对7种本体构建方法进行了系统的阐述和比较研究,提出了一种新的领域本体构建方法- - -循环进化法。
Now when you're attacking something of his, he'll try to kill your group systematically, since he knows the quads won't fire on them as long they're attacking a building of his.
We have accomplished part of the job of building Mongolian language database. And it is necessary to build a relevant database management platform to improve the database and make it systematically.
We have accomplished part of the job of building Mongolian language database. And it is necessary to build a relevant database management platform to improve the database and make it systematically.