If you don′t get it right the first time, it′s easy to unfreeze and try again.
Ross buys a new sofa (couch), but can "t get it up the stairs to his apartment."
Well, if you can 't get it repaired today then we will have to cancel our rental agreement.
Well, if you can "t get it repaired today then we will have to cancel our rental agreement."
Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Michael and asked him, "I don' t get it."
I did manage, somehow, someway, to leave and get to Houston, and honest to God, I don "t remember right now how I did it."
By comparison, it \ 'd take at least eight glasses of cola to get the same effect, which isn \' t exactly conducive for running a marathon.
If we weren't so pressed for time, I kinda wanna see how long we could get away with this before it gets awkward, but that, in fact, is an infinite loop t hat's hopefully deliberate.
They each are wearing jeans and a T-shirt. They tell you that they have this thing called a “search engine, ” and they are naming it — get this — “Google.”
thanks to our chemical engineers that let man go away from the paradox while before you visit the conventional toner plant, you wear one of those, how do you call it, the black coat t get dirty.
Red tape proliferated and it took 26 clearance permits and nine months of battling to get IT&T up and running.
"Then I will go and get my hat," said the bat. "it will get you off the mat." "No it won" t, "said the cat."
Some of you will still be looking for the "Click here and get rich" solution. It doesn"t exist I"m afraid.
A seduce lock won '; t DOT you until the end so you can get a second opener safely. Trinket the second seduce and it is GG.
"The issue with debt is you can't get rid of it quickly and you can" t get rid of it nicely, "Ms." Reinhart says.
You"re gonna have to come and get it, but you"d have to trust me to do that, wouldn"t you?
Don"t let it get you down if somebody doesn"t like you, it is natural, everybody can"t be firends.
I won 't, but it doesn't hurt to expect the best. Sometimes you get it.
It is said that some will get fat if they don t have breakfast, because the diet is not balanced, the body takes in more than what they need.
I figure life is a gift and I don "t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you" re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.
B It took me about a year to get uesd t living here. But there's one thing I'll never get used to.
Natural fabrics like wool and cotton get wet and stay wet, so don't wear your cotton T-shirt next to your skin thinking it will act as the primary wicking garment.
One can get her a nice t-shirt with a cute print on it, or a sweatshirt, if she's a sports buff.
LL: Heheh, don "t mention it. You know, you ought to get a new computer to replace that old clunker of yours."
LL: Heheh, don "t mention it. You know, you ought to get a new computer to replace that old clunker of yours."