Objective to investigate the suppressive function of t regulatory cell in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients.
Now, a team of researchers has discovered a novel mechanism determining whether a maturing t cell is likely to emerge from the thymus as an effector cell or a regulatory cell.
NKT cells are a type of t cell that exert profound and diverse regulatory effects in disease, from autoimmunity to responses to pathogens and cancer.
More recent researches have shown that regulatory t cell is a key element in peripheral tolerance.
The review summarized the characters of CD4 + CD25 + regulatory t cell and its roles in the mechanism of pathogenesis, therapy and prognosis of asthma.
本文就CD 4 + CD 25 +调节性T细胞的特性及与支气管哮喘的发病机制、治疗、预后的研究进展做一综述。
This article reviews the related research development on CD4 + CD25 + regulatory t cell and its role in the autoimmune disease.
本文就CD 4 +CD 25 +调节性T细胞及其在自身免疫性疾病中作用的研究进展进行综述。
Immunoregulation mediated by regulatory t cell is one of the most important mechanisms to maintain self tolerance.
The results indicated that the abnormal changes of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell amount and the infection outcome of the host assume close reciprocity.
Objective to explore the effect of CD4 + CD25 + regulatory t cell on infective outcome of mice infected with plasmodium.
目的探讨CD 4 + CD 25 +调节性T细胞与疟原虫感染鼠结局的相关性。
Regulatory DCs can induce regulatory T cells, inhibit T cell proliferation or induce T cell anergy.
This article summarizes the relations between immune tolerance and apoptosis, dendritic cell and regulatory t cells.
CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell is a crowd of cells, which can regulate and suppress the immune response.
Profound immunologic changes occur during pregnancy, involving a polarization of t helper cells towards a dominance of Th2 and regulatory t cell effector responses in both mother and fetus.
The ability to detect regulatory t cell deficits in inflammatory diseases such as IBD means that we can now identify individuals at risk of developing disease.
The ability to detect regulatory t cell deficits in inflammatory diseases such as IBD means that we can now identify individuals at risk of developing disease.