No user temporary table space was created.
Rename table space container tsc3 back to tsc1.
Table space defaults in DB2 9 are different than in DB2 V8.
与DB 2V 8相比,DB 29中的默认表空间发生了变化。
The consumed space in the user temporary table space will be freed.
Table space containers are the physical storage of IBM DB2 database.
表空间容器是IBMDB 2数据库的物理存储。
The remaining table Spaces use a default table space selection algorithm.
Each segment contains rows from only one table defined in the table space.
DB2 provides the capability to compress the data in a table space or partition.
DB 2提供了压缩一个表空间或分区中的数据的能力。
Note that the combination database and table space incremental backups are permitted.
The resulting table space will have a container on each storage path used by the database.
The table space (or the entire database) must be restored before the table space can be used.
A table space is a storage structure containing tables, indexes, large objects, and long data.
Multiple containers for a table space should typically be placed on separate physical volumes.
The appearance and subsequent disappearance of this table space state is transparent to users.
DB2 10 can now automatically reorganize disjoint partition ranges of a partitioned table space.
DB 210现在支持自动重新组织分区表空间的不相连分区范围。
This means that DB2 fetches every data page in the table space sequentially into the buffer pool.
Each container can only belong to a single table space, but a table space can have many containers.
For the database, are table space level backups sufficient, or are full database backups necessary?
The table space (or the entire database) must be rolled forward before the table space can be used.
If the table space is not backed up, tables within that table space can be queried, but not updated.
A database can have more than one table space, where as a table space cannot belong to more than one database.
The table space (or, alternatively, the entire database) must be backed up before the table space can be used.
The administrator can choose the type of a table space as well as the containers that make up the table space.
For online backup, special care needs to be taken for the SYSTEM table space and rollback segments table space.
对于联机备份,需要特别注意SYSTE m表空间和回滚段表空间。
For table space tracking, a flag for each table space indicates whether a table space is dirty and need to be back up.
Also, if you later create a new table space in the database, you must then take a backup that contains the table space.
A table space can be associated with only one buffer pool, but one buffer pool can be used for more than one table space.
It is recommended that you do choose a DMS table space for your LONG data, in other words, the table space that holds LOBs.
You can use the in clause to create an index in the same table space where user data resides, or in a different table space.
If you decide to forgo free space in the table space, you might want to consider using APPEND YES for the tables in the table space.