So Tabu Search based Dynamic particle swarm algorithm was presented.
The information compression of tabu frequency reduces plenty of memory demand.
The model was resolved with heuristic algorithm based on Tabu search technique.
Experimental results show that the parallel tabu search algorithm has better performance.
Then the test sequence optimization is realized by using the information flow model and TABU.
For the first time, tabu search is used to solve the optimal switching device placement problem.
Codebook design algorithms based on tabu search (TS) approach are presented for vector quantization (VQ).
Two algorithms, which are tabu search (TS) and approach of preferential distribution, are presented as solving methods.
Besides the tabu list, the concept of collision list and its application to collisions detecting and treating are also mentioned.
Numerical tests illustrate that the memory Tabu search algorithm is feasible and effective to protein structure prediction problems.
And carried on a modification to Tabu Search's formula, make it can solve the problems both the minimum optimal and the maximum optimal.
Introduced a number of algorithms to solve the problem of yard space allocation, such as simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, tabu algorithms.
A new algorithm of curriculum schedule based on bipartite-graph matching and Tabu search is proposed to meet the new requirements of the universities.
One approach is to construct the TS algorithm directly by choosing the initial solution, the neighborhood of current solution and the tabu list properly.
Tabu table is used to deal with precedence and trail mutation rule is introduced to ensure that it is possible to reach the tabu point after tabu broken.
The algorithm has not only the implicit parallelism, global convergence of POA and the intelligence of tabu search, but also the fast convergence of MSCOA.
Search techniques such as Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search and Random Walk Algorithms have been used extensively for global optimization.
Thirdly, loop was defined based on the characteristics of city high voltage distribution network. Tabu rule was presented in order to shorten the length of code.
The tabu search (TS) method is one of the modern optimization algorithms developed from local search. It is generally used in combinatorial optimization problem.
The combination of Tabu algorithm and fuzzy optimization is successfully applied to the motor optimization and the availability is proved by the optimized result.
The proposed algorithm, TABU-Clustering, is com - posed of three stages: minimum spanning tree clustering, recombination of clusters and tabu search optimization.
A novel algorithm based on Tabu Search for Delay-Constrained Least-Cost Routing (TSBDRA) is proposed to solve delay-constrained least-cost unicast routing problem.
Based on the characteristics of the problem, simulated annealing algorithm was combined with tabu search algorithm to optimize the frequency of BRT line combination.
Based on the analysis and study of the aircrafts ground taxing safety problem, the paper proposed a genetic-tabu hybrid algorithm to solving the optimal taxing path.
Based on the analysis and study of the aircrafts ground taxing safety problem, the paper proposed a genetic-tabu hybrid algorithm to solving the optimal taxing path.