Create a tag library descriptor (.tld) describing the tags.
创建一个描述标记的标记库描述符(. tld)。
This library is defined within an XML document called a tag library descriptor (TLD).
It finds this information in the tag library descriptor. The name of the out tag's implementation class is found here.
Now all you have to do is create a TLD (tag Library Descriptor) file to register your custom tag, as shown in Listing 4.
The taglib directive identifies the tag library descriptor and defines the tag prefix that associates subsequent tags with the library.
taglib 伪指令识别标记库描述符,并定义使后继标记与库相关联的标记前缀。
The taglib directive identifies the tag library descriptor and defines the tag prefix that associates subsequent tags with the library.
taglib 伪指令识别标记库描述符,并定义使后继标记与库相关联的标记前缀。