Six teams from Taichung city and county, Changhua and Nantou counties took part in the race, with the host Changhua county team placing third.
In fact, nearby the railway station of Taichung City have a lot of fortune-tellers there, but I don't believe them and didn't have any business talking with them.
The survey data were collected from a random sample of 496 ninth grade students in 15 probability proportionate multistage cluster classes in Taichung City and County, Taiwan in 2005.
The artifacts were temporarily stored in a railway warehouse before being moved to a sugar cane factory near the central city of Taichung.
The Museum, with the Taichung Municipal cultural Center and the Natural Science Museum as its neighbors, creates a cultural area of humanistic atmosphere in Taipei city.
It has been long time since I visit Taichung last time, how a city can transform!
It has been long time since I visit Taichung last time, how a city can transform!