Looking down on the world - and especially those tail-wagging dimwits known as dogs - may seem like the natural order of things for cats.
The dog was biting, growling, and wagging its tail.
The dog was biting, growling and wagging its tail.
My feet rejoice like the wagging tail of a dog waiting for its walk. My feet know they are safe.
His ears were raised high and his tail was wagging as fast as it could.
"All's fish that comes to his net!" Lucy looked down at Senator who was wagging his tail.
When we reached the little dachshund's pen, she was on her hind legs against a cyclone fence, barking in an unbearably shrill tone, though she was wagging her tail.
In a typical case of tail wagging dog, says Mr DE Waal, Azerbaijan sabotaged moves to reopen the border between Turkey and Armenia in 2009.
He thanked me by wagging his tail.
Maude would Bob her small yellow head up and down in a feathered frenzy. Harold would circle the table, wagging his tail and batting his eyes.
Just show a dog its leash and it will probably start wagging its tail with excitement.
It is as though instead of a dog wagging its tail the tail should wag the dog.
The dog indicates his feelings by barking or wagging his tail.
The tail of—we have an expression, "the tail wagging the dog when it should be the dog wagging the tail".
Whopper jumped in surprise. A black puppy came out of the bushes. The dog was wagging its tail.
The following morning I was horrified to see the same dog sitting in front of our door wagging his tail, surrounded by eight newspapers.
We spot a massive eastern blue groper wagging its tail and circling the boiler.
My little dog is wagging its tail to me. As a matter of fact, It's greeting me.
Fish tail wagging, frogs croak.
Blackie ran to the window, barkingand wagging his tail.
No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you, and not all the power of death can keep my spirit from wagging a grateful tail.
No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you, and not all the power of death can keep my spirit from wagging a grateful tail.
Then she wandered off, following a zigzag path along the border between Life and Death, her tail wagging so hard, the tip of it beat the river into a froth behind her.
Tail up and wagging is a sign of friendliness, playfulness, anticipation and excitement;
No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you and not all the power of death can keep my spirit from wagging a grateful tail. I will always love you as only a dog can.
No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you and not all the power of death can keep my spirit from wagging a grateful tail. I will always love you as only a dog can.