As the saying goes: fog lock hill mountain fog, days with water, tail water reaching the sky.
The embedding part includes volute socket ring, tail water taper pipe, tail water ell, pit liner and so on.
Tail water measuring and controlling system is an important part of unsteady hydraulic model automatic measuring and controlling system.
The geological conditions of tail water system are complex, for example, tunnels penetrate soft rock, and stability of the outlet sides is bad.
Reasons for resulting in high gold grade of tail water and low gold adsorption rate in the flow sheet of ore dressing are analysed comprehensively.
Accurate computation of the heat and mass transfer in the tail water tunnel is the basis of determining the air conditioning and ventilation system.
Water storage within the main river flood tail water added membership change, together use zone of the sewage station dedicated additional levy made and leakage.
When the tail water level is higher than the ground of a hydro-power plant, the repairing and safety of the plant will be affected without water seal in the tail gate.
Before alternation, failures often occurred in the hoist control system of tail water gate in Ankang Hydropower Station, which had impact the normal electricity generation.
Since Gongzui Hydropower Station put into operation, the tail water level always threaten the flood control safety against pow er-house (in di cating powerhouse on the ground).
By establishment of a mathematical model for water quality and quantity calculation, the impacts of tail water from the effluent plant of Baoying County on water environment are analyzed.
The desalting regeneration system is revamped by using the magnesium tail water from the intermittent nitric acid production unit to replace hydrochloric acid as the cation bed regenerant.
When the bear puts his tail into the water through a hole in the ice, to try and catch a fish, the ice freezes around it, and he ends up pulling his tail off.
A rope from the second vessel was secured around the shark's tail, but repeated efforts to tow the fish into the water failed.
The weight of the ball causes the dragon's head to move down and the dragon's tail pulls the water bowl back up.
And this is the tail a car disconnected from the car and moved by the flow of water along the tunnel.
This creature has a long flat tail and swims close to the surface of the water.
He sat down next to the hole, placed his long beautiful black tail in the icy water and turned his back.
The crane was used to hoist the animal by its tail, a risky maneuver because its great weight out of the water could have damaged its spine and internal organs, Gennari said.
我们用吊车钩住绑在尾部的绳索将它吊起,这是相当冒险的操作,因为离水后的巨大重量可能会损坏它的脊椎和内脏。” Gennari说。
Image: As it moves, a shark's tail (shown) creates two connected rings of moving water (blue and red represent opposing flows) that help make this fish such a powerful swimmer. (Brooke E. Flammang).
They sometimes breathe by "standing" on their tail with their heads above water.
As the tail swings, the water moves and drags the particles along.
The bird closes its eyes. Just then, a drop of water falls on its head. Then, a second later, another drop falls on its tail.
Phantom of the Opera general of the Gold Rush, dredging vessels, during the Jiang-left a lot of ore, tail pile, diverted rivers, causing water blocking half.
She command fish in the water to swim, and its tail with rhythm, the flapping of the water.
Now that he had seen him once he could picture the fish swimming in the water with his purple pectoral fins set wide as wings and the great erect tail slicing through the dark.
Into the courtyard, walk through the pool, the water can be seen in the red carp tail wander, large and small longevity turtle who also climbed out to breathe fresh air.
Into the courtyard, walk through the pool, the water can be seen in the red carp tail wander, large and small longevity turtle who also climbed out to breathe fresh air.