Washington would do well to take a deep breath before reacting to the grim numbers.
Before you begin speaking, take a deep breath, smile at your listeners, and then go on.
After climbing up a hill for a panoramic view of the blue sea, white buildings and green olive trees, I paused to catch my breath and then positioned myself to take the best photo of this panorama.
First, take a deep breath. This can help you cool down.
If necessary, just take a deep breath and smile before speaking.
If you're a Blogger, take a breath each time you click "save" when writing an article for your blog.
B: If you're a Blogger, take a breath each time you click "save" when writing an article for your blog.
If you make Reservations for an airline, take a breath each time you book a flight going east.
Once it's resolved, they take a deep breath, relax and move on with a smile.
Be inspired by nature. I love going outside, to take a breath of fresh air, to stretch, to get natural light into my computer-strained eyes.
When you feel overwhelmed, just take a deep breath, take a nice little walk, watch your surroundings simply, and before you know it you will be walking on air.
Take a breath and consider where they're coming from: Often criticisms come from people's own insecurities.
A: If you're an Accountant, take a breath each time you see a number ending in 6.
H: If you're a Highway tollbooth operator, take a breath each time a white car comes through your lane.
Khamenei indicated that Iranians should take a deep breath in the aftermath of the vote.
And so, to keep your heart beating, you'd just take a breath. Which is the usual procedure.
Now I'm more likely to take a breath and remember that she just wants to be with me.
The idea is that we stop, take a breath, and take stock of the way the organisation operates.
It's lightweight, doesn't try to sync you life with online services, lets you add, hide, edit, resize and - let me take a breath here - re-colour notes to your hearts content.
Before you rush to the back of your home theater to unplug and organize your wires, take a breath and relax;
Then the two women argued about whether they live in the same world, Hasselbeck started to cry and Barbara Walters snapped, "Take a breath, let someone else talk."
Heavy social responsibility and the different link cost pressure thermal power the "big brother" take a breath, near collapse.
No one but you knows your heart is racing, so take a breath and try to calm down.
For longer paragraphs and longer sentences, note the positions along a sentence or paragraph where you may make a short pause, and where you may take a breath, before continuing.
Something that really helped me to get rid of the anxiety, take a breath, and feel calm was running.
Take a breath: The next time you have an idea you can't contain, simply open your mouth and take a quick, short breath.
Take a breath: The next time you have an idea you can't contain, simply open your mouth and take a quick, short breath.