We are due to leave Folkestone in about five minutes and a journey to Boulogne will take approximately two hours.
Children should be asked to take five large steps away from the bus when they get it off.
Do you realize that every time you take a step, the bones in your hip are subjected to forces between four and five times your body weight?
If you take this train, you will arrive in Shanghai in five hours.
Walk past the tree, take the first right turn, and then walk for five more minutes.
They were all under five years old because she wasn't willing to take teenagers.
"It might take the monarchs as many as four to five generations to complete the journey all the way back up to Canada," says Sarina Jepsen, who directs the endangered species program for the Xerces Society.
They offer those condemned to spend five days a week in an urban environment an unrivalled area of freedom to unwind and take part in a range of leisure activities, such as hunting, riding and hiking.
When homeowners replace a working oil system, it can take five or ten years, if not longer, to get their money back in fuel savings.
For example, it might take five times more work to write test cases for a given class than to test the class once manually.
Masonjones said the experience of earlier oil spills suggested it could take five years for seagrass to make a complete recovery, which represents about three generations of seahorses.
In fact, the way things work in most companies, any development project that would take five years is likely never to get finished at all.
But the biology of the soil is also being damaged by the loss of organic matter, which can take five to ten years to recover.
Take five minutes each day to send a quick private message to your significant other, write on his Facebook wall-heck, even send a quick email to let him know you're thinking of him.
"That will take five or 10 years," says Kroeber, "and it will depend on improvements in the social services."
Tell you what Owen Morse (USA), let's each take five balls and last one to the juice bar... HEY WHERE YOU GOING?! WAIT!!
"It could take five or even 10 years" before some companies stop adding the chemical to food products, said Yan, of the U.S. Grains Council.
Then, to re-establish it, it may take five or 10 years.
The average cost in France and Italy is $50 an hour, and a bag could take five hours to make. Our labor costs are 10% of that.
The scan might take 592 CPU instructions or more if the cookbook is not already in database memory, and it might take five seconds to complete.
The "5 to 1 Rule" states that for every negative interaction that you have with a person, it will take five positive interactions to bring the relationship into equilibrium.
Take five to twenty minutes to come up with a purpose for your site, or better yet, call it your Mission Statement.
Take five minutes and draw. Sketch the scene around you, or something funny, or something peaceful. Using another part of your brain provides a much-needed break.
It's take five months, but I'm finally finished with my first iPhone development book.
Helping the reader get good results (" take five minutes today to follow these simple action steps ").
At the current pace of job creation, it would take five years or so just to get back to those levels.
It isn't a quick process: "If you spent an hour a day answering questions, it would take five years to complete them all," says Lori Rhodes of the nonprofit Terasem Movement, which funds CyBeRev.
It isn't a quick process: "If you spent an hour a day answering questions, it would take five years to complete them all," says Lori Rhodes of the nonprofit Terasem Movement, which funds CyBeRev.