It spreads primarily by underground stems; colonies form when pieces of the root system or whole plants float into an area and take root or when seeds float into a suitable area and germinate.
I wonder if I shall take root here, and winter and summer stand covered with ornaments!
Lantana grows so thickly that young trees often fail to take root.
This allows them to take root in undemanding applications within a new market or arena of competition.
When in doubt, a gardener will try more plants or kinds of plants and see which take root; a landscaper may default to less.
As the trees take root, they will replenish the soil and cause more rainfall, allowing for even more growth.
And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.
Well I do not accept a future where the jobs and industries of tomorrow take root beyond our borders - and I know you don't either.
New principles rarely take root in Washington's stony soil.
And he doesn't think his work will settle an old argument among pioneers in the field: at what locale did life first take root?
You can't just plant the same plants as Facebook, Flickr or Twitter and expect them to take root regardless of the quality of your gardeners or the climate of your organisation.
Once you know a certain balance between the positive and the negative is needed, you take root in the existence.
We must ensure that the most innovative ideas take root in America, while providing our people with the skills that they need to compete. That means we must
Time for such leisurely way through, and I miss and the memory was about to take root, grow.
At stake is whether new jobs and industries take root in this country, or somewhere else.
A lover's hope resembles the bean in the nursery tale, -let it once take root, and it will grow so rapidly.
Coral are live animals that take root in the ocean floor, but they are not plants.
People have said that environmental ethics will really take root when people look at a high-emissions car and see not the social status it brings, but the air pollution it causes.
Yes, love is a strange fruit, from the moment you were born, had been sleeping in your heart, in your care under the slowly take root.
Before such radical changes take root, two questions need to be answered.
This will remove air pockets and help the sod make contact with the ground and take root.
He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.
I was full of respect for teachers in the text, he is like the Gobi Desert on poplar, where it is needed, where it will quickly take root and grow the sturdy branches.
Shrubs and spruce that previously couldn't take root on the permafrost now dot the landscape, potentially altering the habitat of the native animals.
It started off as a regular tree, but as it aged, its branches bent so low to the ground that they started to take root as well.
She decided to take root on the land when she returned back from her investigation trip on the farm.
Our future as a nation depends on making sure that the jobs and industries of the 21st century take root here in America.
Our future as a nation depends on making sure that the jobs and industries of the 21st century take root here in America.