All of the shots you take are phenomenal, but the ones that really stand out to me are the ones in nature, particularly the woods.
Then, sleep in, go to a museum or the movies (matinees are cheaper), take a serendipitous walk, venture off into the woods on snowshoes - do something you don't normally do on a weekend or holiday.
There are lots of different ways to get there, whether you're a hunter or somebody who likes to take a stroll through the woods and read poetry.
Take time to smell the roses, watch a sunset or sunrise with a loved one, take a walk along the seashore, hike in the woods etc. Learn to live in the present moment and cherish it.
Actaeon loved the hunting. He had been searching the woods every day. When she was tired with hunting artemis used to take abath in a little mountain spring.
Buddha or call him once walked to the woods. Go back and forth, on their way to take a the most beautiful flowers.
Bankrupt Northwest Airlines advised workers to fish in the trash for things they like or take their dates for a walk in the woods in a move to help workers facing the ax to save money.
My friend told me how at meditation centers, during the breaks, the participants will go into the woods and take drugs, and then after the break ends they come back to meditate.
They who come rarely to the woods take some little piece of the forest into their hands to play with by the way, which they leave, either intentionally or accidentally.
When you meet real problems you shouldn't take to the woods every time.
Take the kids up to the mountains skiing or to a cabin and let them do the things that they're meant to do: raise hell, laugh and pee in the woods.
In order to tide over their difficulties, out of the woods, this article on how to study China's enterprises and to take measures to deal with this crisis as to explore.
Travelling to Canada, not with deliberately to seek maple's woods, for as long as upon the journey, maple leaf always take a saturated color drawing the line of sight of people.
Travelling to Canada, not with deliberately to seek maple's woods, for as long as upon the journey, maple leaf always take a saturated color drawing the line of sight of people.