She also provides take-home sheets, which are computer printouts, tailored to the patients' situation.
"I prefer take-home essays because it is then really about the writing, so you have time to edit and do more research," says Elizabeth Dresser, a junior at Barnard.
Her monthly take-home pay is $1,500 after taxes.
I have already sweated through numerous in-class midterms and finals, and now I have a professor who issues take-home ones.
Vocational-type classes, such as computer science or journalism, on the other hand, are often more research-oriented and lend themselves to take-home testing.
Students risk health and well being, as well as performance in other end-of-term work, when faculty offers take-home exams without clear, time-limited boundaries.
Students risk health and well-being, as well as performance in other end-of-term work, when faculty offers take-home exams without clear, time-limited boundaries.
Following the Harvard scandal, Mary Miller, the former dean of students at Yale, made an impassioned appeal to her school's professors to refrain from take-home exams.
In 2012, 125 students at Harvard were caught up in a scandal when it was discovered they had cheated on a take-home exam for a class entitled "Introduction To Congress".
The amount you're left with is your true take-home salary for your job for a year.
Take-home lesson: Ask your kids' principal what would trigger a school closing, and be prepared.
Their average monthly take-home pay is $200 to $240 -- compared with about $160 for all Wuhan residents.
The take-home message from the JAMA cancer news event is that a cancer diagnosis will be a life-altering event.
The take-home message of her findings, says Ms. Tolbert, is that too many people still cling to outdated gender roles.
Connie Murphy of Wheaton disagreed, joining the 21 percent of respondents who said kids do not spend enough time on take-home tasks.
Typical rents charged by private landlords were more than a third of median take-home pay, the widely accepted measure of affordability.
You get to sample lots of baked things and take home masses of cookies besides.
What's more, you'll be able to take home the copies of all the recipes.
Amy laughed and said, "if you let me take home a pair of chopsticks, my fortune may come true!"
He also became the first Chinese man to take home an Olympic short track gold medal.
What games did her kids like to play, I asked, hoping for suggestions I could take home.
Picking whole bunches of flowers to take home with her, she put them all into her little apron.
Vocational type classes, such as computer science or journalism, on the other hand, are often more research oriented and lend themselves to take home testing.
To thank them, the rich people would put food into boxes for their servants to take home.
When their grandmother visited, they gave her painted rocks to take home and hide in the Florida town where she lives.
Chinese skaters in the women's 500 meters, 3000 meter relay and men's 1500 meters all failed to take home the gold.
Campers learn technical skills of roasting, frying and cutting, as well as some recipes that they can take home and share with their families.
Another says I lost five relatives, so we gave him five bodies to take home and bury.
Another says I lost five relatives, so we gave him five bodies to take home and bury.