I came into adult life clueless about a lot of things that most people take for granted.
Descartes thinks that since our senses can deceive us, we ought not take for granted that what they tell us is really true.
The place has no electricity at all, no photocopiers, all the things that you just take for granted here, they just won't be there any more.
Like other modern architects, he employed metal, glass and laminated wood materials that we take for granted today but that in the 1940s symbolized the future.
It took humans 10,000 years to learn how to grow most of the crops we now take for granted.
Today we take for granted that they're horizontal bands of plant communities.
We just take for granted that he needs no supervision for managing his stuff.
He did it without the connections and advantages many of us take for granted.
These and other inborn capabilities we take for granted are not kluges, they're not "good enough," and they're more than merely smart.
There are elements of your business that you take for granted, but prospects would be amazed if they knew the details.
We tend to focus on our problems in life and to take for granted our blessings and achievements.
In his second book, Toffler came up with another profound insight that we all now more or less take for granted.
These are things we all tend to overlook or take for granted because they aren't necessarily how our society measures success.
I'm not sure what my sister would have done had she known that she wouldn't be here for the tomorrow we all take for granted.
The thing is, sleeping in a warm bed, to most of us, is something we take for granted.
"This is a means of learning we take for granted as humans," Stoinski said.
But don't hurl random assaults at others and take for granted that whatever you say is truth.
This is not to belittle their achievements — the most basic lab experiments can be a challenge without the institutional infrastructure professional scientists take for granted.
这并不是贬低他们的成就 - 他们可以挑战最基本的没有基础设施和专业科学家的实验室是没有问题的。
Its presence in the development of our society has been so pervasive that we take for granted the rapid predictable assembly of the physical world.
To maintain the regular doubling of computer power that we now take for granted, chip makers have been giving chips more "cores," or processing units.
It has overwhelmingly contributed to the high standard of living which we aspire to and take for granted.
Too often, they take for granted that you sacrificed pay, even risked your current job, to meet with them.
The larger point, of course, is that vast swaths of the reality we take for granted are mere accidents of anatomy.
We take for granted how many things boys can do that girls can.
For them, the most basic things we take for granted, such as water and electricity, are beyond reach.
Those are things that other parents may take for granted - but they are noteworthy achievements for a child with autism.
They seem to take for granted that having a law degree is a good thing and that legal training would help in my work.
Most would agree that poverty involves not having enough of certain things, or doing without others that richer people take for granted.
It makes us appreciate things we normally take for granted.
This meant that it lacked many things .NET developers take for granted such as constructors and static methods.