She encourages them to take a chance on new ideas and initiatives.
Because... no matter how stupid I think this is, I'm willing to take a chance on you.
You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.
You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.
Cos when you walked out that door, I knew I needed your more. Than to take a chance on losing you.
Few employers are willing to take a chance on a worker who's only address is the local homeless shelter.
You should have some contacts who respect you enough personally to take a chance on your new business.
But if the stock is cheap, I might be inclined to take a chance on those theoretical, risky future earnings.
Shoelaces - Check your laces before race day and replaceany that are worn -- don't take a chance on a broken lace.
If you are pursuing a new direction, it's all that much more difficult to convince hiring managers to take a chance on you.
A brash economics graduate of Harvard, he was annoyed that 'they wouldn't take a chance on me right out of college,' he says.
Fortunately, our two countries have a tradition of leaders who put suspicion and mistrust aside to take a chance on a better future.
When home prices stop going down, newly created households will be more willing to take a chance on ownership as opposed to renting.
Here comes your chance! Here is a three-day summer program! You can take part in many activities and meet with animals, such as giraffes, pandas tigers, and so on!
One of the first steps you should take when hardening a machine is to reduce its attack surface. The more code that's running on a machine, the greater the chance that the code will be exploitable.
The relatively low adoption rate of robots in the U.S. is a hopeful sign, since we still have a chance to take advantage of robotics on a broader scale.
The relatively low adoption rate of robots in the U. S. is a hopeful sign, since we still have a chance to take advantage of robotics on a broader scale.
Select your team with care, but when in doubt, take on new crew and give them a chance.
"My mom was always willing take on new challenges and caring for the World War II veterans energized her to take another chance to make a difference," said son Justin Decker.
Wehave a chance to not only shine a light on a bad Washington habit that wastes billions oftaxpayer dollars, but take a step towards restoring public trust.
Today we'll have a chance to see the preparation for the maneuvers on gun support river motorboats that take place in the Caspian Sea.
Today we'll have a chance to see the preparation for the maneuvers on gun support river motorboats that take place in the Caspian Sea.