You take a dive into the deep, and by incarnating you connect to diverse realms of consciousness.
But the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive before the fight began.
Nobody did. But the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive even before the bout began.
There are a few dive shops in Massawa with rentable gear and boats to take you to the Dahlak Archipelago, which includes more than 200 islands and dozens of wrecks.
If he's a head banger, take him to a local dive bar for some gritty rock and roll.
Before we dive in to creating our first template, it is important to take a look at some existing templates to get an idea of what we may need.
To understand how this all works, we have to take a brief dive into the parser combinator implementation.
Before we dive in to the state machine concepts, we'll take a quick look at the visual snippet editor.
Depending on how deep a dive you plan to take on ROI, it may be helpful to come up to speed on financial terms that often enter into an ROI discussion.
Before you dive into using Jaxer, take a brief look at the Jaxer architecture to better understand how a Jaxer application works.
There is, and to understand how it works, you'll need to take a short dive into how parser combinators produce non - "standard" elements (that is, not Strings and Lists).
So now you're ready to dive in and take a look at the Web service API that provides access to subscriptions.
If you're not sure you're ready to dive into this depth, take a look at my not-so-nitty-gritty overview.
If tight turnaround time or bad news given out with no solution sends your boss's demeanor into a nose-dive, take note, be patient and more strategic.
Even if you can't or don't want to make the case for using the open source solution in your workplace, use the open source option as the platform from which you can take a deep dive into a technology.
Before we dive into the future, let's take a few minutes and examine the past year.
A dive consists of the starting position, the run, the hurdle, the take-off, the execution, and the entry.
In the "Yalong Bay", diving is exciting. You can dive by your-self or you can take a sub.
In the "Yalong Bay", diving is exciting. You can dive by your-self or you can take a sub.