Seeing this, God would take a photo of me.
I liked him so much that I asked a visitor to take a photo of that painting and me.
The tourist thought that no one would believe him, so he decided to take a photo of the kangaroo.
Recently disciple Ben Jing asked me to take a photo of this stove for him.
Flora: And you can take a photo of us! Come on! Take a photo on your mobile.
Ask a friend (you must have at least one) to take a photo of you rather than DIY.
My daughter grabbed my camera. She wanted to take a photo of "the composite" of colours.
During the latter part, two sisters asked the recorder to take a photo of them but declined.
Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora?
The idea is simple: you take a photo of your surroundings and set this photo as your desktop wallpaper.
If someone asks you to help take a photo of him, watch out: this is a prime opportunity for thieves.
Sometimes I'll reach for my camera and take a photo of a page in a magazine or book to remember it later.
Miley: But we got there in the end. And a lovely man helped us take a photo of the gorge. Here, this one.
I will take a photo of myself but prove that it is me. I will prove this by posing the way you tell me to.
Take a photo of the moving picture of their dating behaviors so to add one more eternal memory to the mankind.
For example, Amazon's app lets people scan bar codes, speak into the phone or take a photo of an item to search for products.
Record your song onto CD and take a photo of your partner and get a print shop to create a CD cover if you can't create one on your computer.
Another app enables solders to take a photo of a street sign and then get information on local areas such as water supplies and sympathisers.
If you like to set up your decorations the same way each year, don't leave it to your memory. Write it down, take a photo of it and store in binder.
Hassan: Face % it. Those scribbles are illegible. Why don't you take a photo of that and email it to her nurse? Maybe she can decipher it for you.
For this summers music festivals, we created a site where you could take a photo of your face and print your own paper head in tribute to the band.
They will invite a lot of relatives and friends for supper for celebration. And then we will take a photo of whole family as the record of precious time.
I make sure the batteries are fully charged before I leave so I don't have to worry about seeing something strikingly beautiful and I can't take a photo of it.
Alyssa's dad even gets her to take a photo of her with her date as soon as they meet and send it to him along with a full address so he can be sure she is safe.
The 28-year-old Siddiqui was inspired while visiting family in Amsterdam in 2009 when his friends attempted to take a photo of him using an iPhone in front of some bikes.
The 28-year-old Siddiqui was inspired while visiting family in Amsterdam in 2009 when his friends attempted to take a photo of him using an iPhone in front of some bikes.