His present owner Jude Stringfellew has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to preach ‘that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul'’.
Just take a look at the opening sentence of this blog post... I invaded your mind and got you thinking about crafting successful messages.
In this post, we take a look at some amazing photographs of the weirdest cloud formations that you'll ever see, that are destined to inspire your design work and surely blow your mind.
I admit, this post may not exactly have the intended effect-worrying about the danger of stress is definitely stressful-but take a deep breath.
While this results in high quality translations, sometimes it can take a few days to translate a blog post, and we can't translate into the many languages our customers speak.
Let's take a look at two approaches for dynamic role assignment: context variable and post-processor plug-in.
In this post, I briefly take up a topic I have touched on a number of times before: taking notes.
在本文里,我将简单就我之前遇到过的多次的话题来简要谈谈: 记笔记。
In the next post we'll go back up the abstraction ladder to take a thorough look at virtual memory.
They have also long hired tutors to prepare them for the tests they must take for admission to a post-secondary institution.
If this post is striking an uncomfortable chord with you, then it's time to take a step back and learn to breathe again.
Some British diplomats speculate that Mr Brown might aspire to take on the leadership of a reformed IMF or some other leading post in a new financial regime.
于是有些英国外交官猜测布朗此举意在新的国际货币基金组织中预留席位 布朗对此不置可否 ”如果需要的话 我可以添砖加瓦 大事儿还是交给专家吧.
In this post we'll take a look at quite a number of outstanding photos taken with a camera phone.
The post puts out a call for people who've lost their content and want to take legal action.
The answer is to encourage the number two to take the new post with a glad heart.
When a user presses this button, the Twitter API will take the specified post and add the update to the Twitter stream of that user.
Stephen is leaving new York to take up a new post here at Bush House in London.
Before new users can post a question, for example, they must take a quiz on what makes an "appropriate" style for a question on Quora.
“From my observation, the glass ceiling is still a reality,” said Dr Geneviève Berger, who recently stepped down from the board of Unilever to take an executive post.
刚刚离开联合利华(Unilever)董事会并担任另一份高管职位的吉娜维夫•伯杰博士(Dr Geneviève Berger)认为:“从我的观察来看,玻璃天花板的存在仍是现实。”
Take a look at the functions you will most likely use in your own Ajax needs: the post and get methods.
Just take Donna Faiella, a 53-year-old New Yorker who lives alone in Queens. She spent 28 years working in film post-production and video-editing.
This drop down menu is also one of many places you can take highlighted text directly to a blog post in a number of hosted blogging platforms with APIs.
(这句不懂,原文:Thisdropdownmenuisalsooneofmanyplacesyoucantake highlightedtextdirectlytoablogpostin anumber ofhostedbloggingplatformswithAPIs .)。
As the number of subscribers to a particular post or topic area increased, it would take longer and longer to perform the AddPost function.
As the number of subscribers to a particular post or topic area increased, it would take longer and longer to perform the AddPost function.