If a basketball star is, for example, trying to gain a high personal point total, he may take a shot himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate, affecting the team's performance.
Take a shot at what you are going to do for sound design at this early stage.
Taste to take a shot, the small experience that is Shared by a lot of mothers.
Take a look at the scenery, take a shot of a photo, way not over of the good mood.
And if it wants to have a big mobile business it should take a shot at making its own handset.
Take a shot, look at it in the LCD screen on the back of your camera, and adjust accordingly.
Take a shot and review it, then adjust your Settings and review the differences between them.
The question was whether I should also take a shot at Starr’s investigation and say it was time to end it.
Now, I'll take a shot at implementing the method that returns an array of factors for a given parameter, shown in Listing 11
现在,我将试着实现返回给定参数的因子数组的方法,如清单11 中所示
For the lover of surprises: Take a shot at making this remarkable zucchini bread, and you're sure to change the recipient's ideas about it!
Take a shot at what you are going to do for sound design at this early stage. Hey, good to let your reader know what you are thinking.
"Abraham is a very difficult guy to beat," said Marquez, who also fought Taylor. "he's strong, durable, he can take a shot, he can give a shot."
Those concerns look pretty well-founded right now, so if you want to take a shot at a sleeper this year, Curry may not be where you want to look.
Chase your dream, pursue your passions, and don't hold back. Take a shot at anything and everything you've ever wanted to accomplish or experience.
The 2015 Finals MVP then decided to take a shot that is hardly in his repertoire with less than a second remaining – a 20-foot jumper with Kevin Durant closing out.
To have a shot at taking that leap and living our dreams, we must take the time to conceptualize our realistic worst case scenario.
You then have about 16 seconds to recompose and take the shot thereby guaranteeing the exposure you set and not have the camera reset a new exposure ruining your shot.
In fact, it sounds as if he is being quite reasonable in offering you something else part time - which I suggest you take like a shot.
The coffee, which went on sale Thursday, is available at 0 for a shot at the Peter Jones Espresso Bar, or shoppers can buy 100g (3.5-ounce) packs of the coffee beans to take away for the same price.
In life you can take one shot at a time, then another, and from this all your dreams will come true.
If one shot just created a smile on your face but not the confidence that you have expected, don't hesitate, take another.
So, you take a sentence like -this is a classic line from Groucho Marx: "I once shot an elephant in my pajamas."
When you take a digital photo, don't you often take more than one, just to make sure you got the shot?
Cheng was thinking that some electives were just "chicken ribs" -you have to take them but they're hardly useful for the future -so he decided to give this method a shot.
It's an old tip but a good one - before you take a landscape shot always consider the horizon on two fronts.
There is speculation that Apple may be gearing up to take another shot at the market with a new device.
It is riskier to start or join a new company than to work in a company –risk is everywhere, the only shot you have 100% chance to miss is the one you didn’t take.
开办或者加入一家新公司,比在一家公司工作风险小——风险无处不在。 100%规避风险的唯一方式就是啥都不干。
Jumps lists are just a tip of the iceberg, an opening shot in what will probably take them several more iterations to complete.
Jumps lists are just a tip of the iceberg, an opening shot in what will probably take them several more iterations to complete.