What did Darrius take as a challenge at the age of 10?
It might take as long as a whole day to finish just 10 cm.
Recycling doesn't take as much energy as making these things the first time.
I take as many raisins as will fit in and I leave. Right? I hope almost every one of you could figure out that was the right strategy.
Weavers can take as input AOP code in source or binary form.
It's gonna take as input hello.c and what it's gonna produce a out Nothing happened.
以hello, c为输入,生成一个,输出文件。,as, output, is, something,called, a。out。,什么事都没发生。
Plus, it encourages me to take as much action as possible before they're all gone.
You should take as much space as you need to make your diagrams easy to understand.
Someone panicking can take as many as 30 breaths a minute. This is “hyperventilation”.
It can take as much as three months 'wages or more to afford glasses in many African countries.
It can take as long as an hour for each computer to check with the Web site and get the changes.
The scripts take as parameters machine, server, node and cell names, as well as SIB port numbers.
这些脚本需要的参数有机器名、服务器名、节点名、单元名以及SIB 端口号。
The parser will take as its input an existing message definition and the sequence of data in the file.
Any approved overtime over that will be paid at time and a half, which you can take as salary or time off.
We are scared of the violence, and it can sometimes take as long as two hours in line to get back across.
The city will not wait for the Supreme Court ruling, which could take as long as a year, Mr. Ebrard added.
Smaller posts don’t take as much time to write or read, which is good for a lazy blogger. And a busy reader.
Both procedures take as input the type of policy being updated, and an XML document (passed either as a file or a BLOB).
"The position of tenants is unaffected by the stance they may take as individuals," said a spokeswoman for the duchy.
Time used for export and import is different depending on the sizes of the database; it could take as long as 5 hours.
It can take as long as five minutes. The reading will be slightly lower than the body's core temperature - so add 0.5c.
Kids don't take as much of an interest in cooking their own food, let alone having any curiosity as to where it comes from.
You can buy the root and make it into a tea or soup; otherwise, buy extracts in liquid or capsule form and take as directed.
If looser-binding operators take as operands expressions using tighter-binding operators, precedence is handled automatically.
如果松绑定(looser - binding)运算符使用紧绑定(tighter - binding)运算符作为操作数表达式,那么优先级是自动处理的。
Even when we have to work in teams, a lot of us still strive to either take over, lead the team, or take as much credit as possible.
You may take as many surveys as you wish, and will be given a personalized link if you choose to respond to the surveys in separate sittings.
You may take as many surveys as you wish, and will be given a personalized link if you choose to respond to the surveys in separate sittings.